Trivia Browser



Indigo Park
There is a miniature model of Lloyd the Lion located in the back of the Lloyd's Main Stage Theater area. According to the game's creator UniqueGeese, he couldn't remember why exactly it was there, but theorized that he was simply testing the model and forgot to remove it due to how small it was. He added that he likely won't remove it because "it took forever for people to find it."
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis
Attachment The Kentrosaurus notably has a unique quirk in that it will panic if placed in the same enclosure with other large herbivores, barring some exceptions like the Stegosaurus. This is in contrast with the Prima guidebook that makes no mention of this behavior and even recommends to house the Kentrosaurus with all other herbivores in the game, which suggests that this was either a glitch or an oversight on the development team's part.
person Dinoman96 calendar_month July 7, 2024
Kentrosaurus article on JPOG Archive fan site:

Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis Prima Official Guide (Pages 56-57 in the guidebook):
New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe
In this version of the game, the Spin Jump button is the same button as the Jump button. This is a first for the series, where the Spin Jump is usually performed by pressing the trigger buttons or shaking the controller. However, on the title screen, if you hold down the left stick for 3 seconds and press L and R, the Spin Jump button will be reverted back to the triggers, and the Jump button can no longer be used for it. Nabbit's voice will be heard when going to the main menu if the control switch is successful. This control option was not advertised or mentioned at any point by Nintendo, and appears to be an Easter egg.
Space Channel 5: Part 2
Several additional characters were planned to appear in the game, but were scrapped in order to keep the game's plot easier to understand. This includes the presence of a "Space Broadcasting Censorship Bureau", who would interrupt broadcasts that were deemed unsuitable (and whom Pine was originally going to be a member of alongside her backups Sexy 1 and 2, taking issue with Ulala's exposing outfit), a narcissistic reporter from Channel 777 named "Gold Kinpicano", and a different main antagonist tentatively referred to as the "Dark Dancing Demon Lord", whose goal was to invade the entire universe with dance.
Red Dead Revolver
Red Dead Revolver originally began development with Capcom in 2000, when developer Rockstar San Diego was still known as Angel Studios. It started as "SWAT", a game with a four-person split-screen feature that allowed you to control four members of a S.W.A.T. team at once. Reportedly, after Capcom producer Yoshiki Okamoto watched the 1971 spaghetti western film "Blindman", the project quickly shifted to a western game, with "SWAT" now standing for "Spaghetti Western Action Title" before being renamed to Red Dead Revolver. After Angel Studios was acquired by Take Two Interactive in 2002 and renamed to Rockstar San Diego, they continued working with Capcom on the project until Capcom decided to cancel the game in 2003 due to a perceived lack of progress. Capcom eventually agreed to let Rockstar Games continue working on Red Dead Revolver the same year in exchange for having exclusive publishing rights in Japan.
Kien was originally developed between 2002 and 2004 by AgeOfGames, a group of five Italian developers who had no prior experience making video games, aiming to be the first company in their country to develop a game for the Game Boy Advance. The game's release would end up being cancelled three separate times when multiple publishers picked up the game and then decided that releasing it would be too risky for sales. At the time, the game was completed and sent to gaming publications, with one known review appearing in the American magazine Nintendo Power in 2003. The game remained unreleased for over 20 years, but a prototype ROM of the game did leak online at one point. Game designer Fabio Belsanti would be the only member of the game's original development team to remain at AgeOfGames, who had shifted to developing educational games to stay afloat. Eventually, with the rising popularity in retro games and lowered cost to produce GBA cartridges, AgeOfGames was able to release Kien in 2024 both digitally and on physical cartridges through retro game publisher Incube8 Games. The game's release garnered attention for it possibly having taken the record for the longest delayed video game release in history, surpassing Duke Nukem Forever and Beyond Good & Evil 2 by taking 22 years to release.
person MehDeletingLater calendar_month July 6, 2024
Nights Into Dreams...
The character of NiGHTS was inspired by director Naoto Ohshima's travels across Europe and western Asia. In order to give his design as much universal appeal as possible, various regional styles were incorporated into it, namely Japanese, European, and American. In the context of the game, NiGHTS is part of every person's subconscious, and as such was designed to have an androgynous "dual male/female" appearance, but has been referred to with male pronouns in the same breath by Sonic Team.
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month July 6, 2024
Official Sega Saturn Magazine Issue #11 (Pages 38-41 in the magazine):
Tornado Outbreak
Attachment Before the Earth was implemented as a level selection screen, levels in Tornado Outbreak were originally displayed on a 2D world map and rendered entirely with Adobe Flash.
Throughout several games in the Yakuza series, songs from Sega franchises will play in businesses like convenience stores and karaoke bars. While an official list of every song and where they were used throughout the series has not been finalized, some known examples include songs from the Sonic the Hedgehog series, the Phantasy Star series, Jet Set Radio Future, Nights into Dreams..., Clockwork Knight, and Space Channel 5: Part 2 among others.
person Kirby Inhales Jotaro calendar_month July 6, 2024
YouTube playlist featuring a list of most of the convenience store songs used throughout the Yakuza series:

Yakuza 4 - Several songs from the Sonic the Hedgehog series including "Dreams of an Absolution" from Sonic the Hedgehog (2006):

Yakuza 5 - The Concept of Love from Jet Set Radio Future:

Yakuza 5 - Live and Learn from Sonic Adventure 2:
Terrifying 9/11
Attachment There is an unused title screen in the Metal Slug bootleg game Terrifying 9/11 that suggests it was originally going to be released as a straightforward bootleg version of Metal Slug instead of a bad-taste cash-in on the September 11th attacks.
Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition
The existence of Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition was accidentally leaked ahead of its official announcement by the ESRB website on May 3, 2024.
Mario Party: Fushigi no Challenge World
Although it was only released in Japan, there were plans for an international version of Mario Party: Challenge World slated for release in Spring 2018. A demo for an English-translated version was shown off at the 2017 Attractions Expo for the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) using the Japanese version's six-player roulette design. However, this release date came and went with no further announcements. On May 30, 2018, the game's manufacturer Raw Thrills accidentally uploaded and quickly delisted a video on their YouTube channel showing the international version's boot-up process (using a Windows OS) with the game's title screen fully translated into English, before crashing. In October, photos were leaked to the arcade news blog Arcade Heroes revealing that the international version was still being tested, but sported a heavily revamped cabinet design that ditched the roulette and redesigned the game for only three players. This was most likely due to its original design as a roulette gambling game keeping it from being sold to most American arcades. After more radio silence and it missing IAAPA's 2018 Expo, Raw Thrills confirmed to Arcade Heroes in April 2019 that the game was cancelled, and its few prototype cabinets were sold off to select luxury entertainment centers. One confirmed location housing it as of April 2019 was the Tulsa, Oklahoma branch of Cinergy Entertainment.
person GamerBen144 calendar_month July 4, 2024
Another Crab's Treasure
Just before fighting Spoiler:Praya Dubia towards the end of the game, the background music that plays in the lead-up to the boss fight is a song titled "Crab Grave". The title of the song and its core notes (while not sharing the exact same melody) are a reference to "Crab Rave", a house song composed by Irish electronic music producer Noisestorm and accompanied by a CGI music video depicting crabs dancing on a remote island that later became a meme.
person Kirby Inhales Jotaro calendar_month July 3, 2024
Another Crab's Treasure - Crab Grave:

Noisestorm - Crab Rave:

Another Crab's Treasure - Boss fight lead-up with Crab Grave song:

KnowYourMeme article:
Another Crab's Treasure
After passing through the Shallows and New Carcinia, Kril will enter an area called The Sands Between, an homage to The Lands Between, the main setting of the game Elden Ring.
Another Crab's Treasure
Attachment In New Carcinia, there are many cardboard boxes featuring a QR code. When scanned, it will link the player to a YouTube re-upload of a Rickroll-style meme called "You just got Coconut Mall'd", referencing a track from the game Mario Kart Wii.
person Kirby Inhales Jotaro calendar_month July 2, 2024
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate marked the 100th credited time that Charles Martinet voiced Mario in a video game. This voice credit would earn Martinet the Guinness World Record for the most video game voiceover performances as the same character, which currently stands at 104 credits as of August 14, 2019.
person Kirby Inhales Jotaro calendar_month July 2, 2024
Crush Crush
In 2023, the game's official Twitter account hosted a poll to decide the name of a character set to be added to a future "Beach Bash" event (the character was tentatively named "Crab-chan" on account of her being "literally a crab turned into a waifu"). The options given were all crab-based puns: "Crabitha" (a portmanteau of "crab" and "Tabitha"), "Shelly" (a reference to how many species of crab have shells), "Pearl" (a nod to how crabs are capable of creating "pearl sacs"), and "Crabigail" (a portmanteau of "crab" and "Abigail"). The name "Shelly" ultimately won, and she was added to the game as part of the Beach Bash Event 2024.
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month July 2, 2024
Danganronpa S: Ultimate Summer Camp
Much of the game's development was spent balancing the gameplay between Danganronpa S's various modes. One part of this was by making it so that the different characters and their rarities did not affect the core gameplay too much, as which characters players unlocked was heavily luck-based. According to director Shun Sasaki, balancing wasn't finished until much later in development, on account of it being improved bit by bit with new features implemented. Supposedly, the game's microtransactions were added in order to prevent frustration from players being unable to get their preferred characters.
Prior to its release, Teppen was known as "Project Battle".
Disney's Lilo & Stitch
The game was heavily inspired by SNK's Metal Slug series, a favorite of the Digital Eclipse team. According to their president Mike Mika, Disney Interactive were initially fine with the prospect of a shooting game based on the movie, but when they were prepared to present the game to then Disney CEO Michael Eisner, cautions began to arise about the violence in the game, which was higher than expected. Due to a lack of time, the game had to be shown to Eisner as it was. Unexpectedly, he adored the game and lamented that the other licensed games based on Lilo & Stitch weren't adopting the same gameplay formula:

"[...] we got this whole panic call from Disney and they are like, 'This is going to get cancelled'. And the next day, they called us back after the meeting and they were like, 'He LOVES it! He thinks it's the best product we're doing for Lilo & Stitch and he's really mad the other games aren't doing this.' It was really great and everyone was relieved."

The Lilo & Stitch movie directors sent a signed poster to Digital Eclipse thanking them for the game.
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