Trivia Browser



Crush Crush
Attachment Generica's holiday outfit is a reference to the outfit worn by Jack Skellington, the main character of the 1993 stop-motion animated film "The Nightmare Before Christmas". When given said outfit, she'll state "What's this? What's this? This outfit reminds me of a nightmare I had once, just before Christmas.", which not only alludes to the film's title, but also to the song "What's This?" from the film, which is sung by Jack when he first arrives in Christmas Town.
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month July 17, 2024
Holiday Outfit:

The Nightmare Before Christmas - "What's This?":
Star Fox 2
According to programmer Dylan Cuthbert (who reportedly help named the original pilots from the first Star Fox), one of the new pilots in Star Fox 2, Fay, was named after his childhood crush, a girl who lived next door to his grandparents' house. Although Fay, as well as Miyu, were never officially given proper surnames, Cuthbert has stated that in his head, he's always considered their full names to be Fay Sinclair and Miyu Swift respectively.
person Dinoman96 calendar_month July 11, 2024
Red Dead Revolver
Red Dead Revolver originally began development with Capcom in 2000, when developer Rockstar San Diego was still known as Angel Studios. It started as "SWAT", a game with a four-person split-screen feature that allowed you to control four members of a S.W.A.T. team at once. Reportedly, after Capcom producer Yoshiki Okamoto watched the 1971 spaghetti western film "Blindman", the project quickly shifted to a western game, with "SWAT" now standing for "Spaghetti Western Action Title" before being renamed to Red Dead Revolver. After Angel Studios was acquired by Take Two Interactive in 2002 and renamed to Rockstar San Diego, they continued working with Capcom on the project until Capcom decided to cancel the game in 2003 due to a perceived lack of progress. Capcom eventually agreed to let Rockstar Games continue working on Red Dead Revolver the same year in exchange for having exclusive publishing rights in Japan.
Nights Into Dreams...
The character of NiGHTS was inspired by director Naoto Ohshima's travels across Europe and western Asia. In order to give his design as much universal appeal as possible, various regional styles were incorporated into it, namely Japanese, European, and American. In the context of the game, NiGHTS is part of every person's subconscious, and as such was designed to have an androgynous "dual male/female" appearance, but has been referred to with male pronouns in the same breath by Sonic Team.
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month July 6, 2024
Official Sega Saturn Magazine Issue #11 (Pages 38-41 in the magazine):
Disney's Lilo & Stitch
The game was heavily inspired by SNK's Metal Slug series, a favorite of the Digital Eclipse team. According to their president Mike Mika, Disney Interactive were initially fine with the prospect of a shooting game based on the movie, but when they were prepared to present the game to then Disney CEO Michael Eisner, cautions began to arise about the violence in the game, which was higher than expected. Due to a lack of time, the game had to be shown to Eisner as it was. Unexpectedly, he adored the game and lamented that the other licensed games based on Lilo & Stitch weren't adopting the same gameplay formula:

"[...] we got this whole panic call from Disney and they are like, 'This is going to get cancelled'. And the next day, they called us back after the meeting and they were like, 'He LOVES it! He thinks it's the best product we're doing for Lilo & Stitch and he's really mad the other games aren't doing this.' It was really great and everyone was relieved."

The Lilo & Stitch movie directors sent a signed poster to Digital Eclipse thanking them for the game.
Star Fox Zero
subdirectory_arrow_right Star Fox 2 (Game)
By scanning a Fox or Falco amiibo in Star Fox Zero, the Arwings and Walkers will be swapped out with 16-bit era models as seen in Star Fox and Star Fox 2. The old Arwing model's Charge shot does not lock on to targets, which reflects how they did not have a lock-on feature in Star Fox, but only in Star Fox 2 did they have a Charge shot. At the time of Star Fox Zero's release in 2016, Star Fox 2 remained unreleased, with only leaked beta builds being available, including one that allowed you to lock on to enemies with the Charge shot. The game would eventually be completed by Nintendo and released in 2017, but with this lock-on feature removed. Since Nintendo only showed Star Fox 2 to developers actively working on the series, it's believed that PlatinumGames noticed this feature's removal and referenced it in Star Fox Zero over a year before the game's release by making the old Arwings behave accurately to a version of Star Fox 2 that players did not know about.
Risk: Factions
The character Colonel Claus Von Stiffenberg is named in reference to Claus von Stauffenberg, a German army officer most famous for his failed assassination attempt of Adolf Hitler on July 20, 1944. Similarly, the speech that he gives as the Zombies declare war on the other factions is a reference to "Ich bin ein Berliner" (translated to "I am a Berliner"), a speech given by U.S. President John F. Kennedy during the Cold War, specifically the line "All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin, and therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words "Ich bin ein Berliner!"".
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month June 23, 2024
Introduction in game (timestamp 28:39):

Timeline of Stauffenberg's life (note that source is in German):

Archive of Kennedy's speech:
Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny
Attachment One of the dungeon rooms in the game features children locked in jail cells. The player can free the children by pushing on a spot in the wall, but upon being freed, they will attack the player. Series creator Richard Garriot created this room in an effort to involve players emotionally and psychologically in the gameplay by posing a situation where they alone would have to think and decide whether or not to slaughter children. While killing the children is the easiest way to get out of that room, there are multiple methods to spare the children, such as using the Charm or Sleep spells. The game offers no punishment or reward for sparing or killing them, and since this event had no impact on the rest of the game, Garriot did not care how players resolved it.

This room would spark internal controversy when a religious fundamentalist playtester working at Origin Systems' New Hampshire division discovered the room and became outraged, believing the company was promoting child abuse. Instead of contacting Richard Garriot, he wrote a letter to Richard's brother Robert outlining his grievances with it and his resignation from the company, which led to Robert and his parents arguing with Richard over the phone to remove the room from the game. He defended the room by pointing out that players were not guaranteed to see it out of the 256 individual rooms in the game, that they did not have to free the children in the first place, and that they could spare them and did not have to kill them to either escape the room or win the game. He argued that his family and the playtester were trying to censor what he could do artistically while misunderstanding that the room was not meant to be explicitly offensive, and in the end, the room remained in the final game.
person Kirby Inhales Jotaro calendar_month June 23, 2024
Shay Adams - "The Official Book of Ultima" First and Second Editions (1990, 1992). ISBN 0-87455-228-1, ISBN 0-87455-264-8 (Pages 64-66 in both books):

Quote blog post:

Image source:
Doodle Champion Island Games
The game originally began as a smaller interactive Google Doodle game to celebrate the 2020 Summer Olympics and Paralympics in Tokyo, but after the events were delayed to 2021, Google were effectively given another year to expand it into a full-fledged video game with at least two and a half hours of content. This made it the largest interactive Google Doodle produced in the company's history. Their engineers were surprised at the large amount of side quests and dialogue they were able to fit into the game, but they struggled to get the game to run on mobile phones, tablets and desktop computers as it needed to be displayed on Google's front page. They managed to get the game to remember save data by saving it to users' local storage, so the game could be continued at any time. It is not fully known what the game's technological specs are, but the level design and sprite animations were created by Google in Adobe Animate, while the animated cutscenes were created by Japanese animation studio Studio 4°C in Toon Boom Harmony and Adobe After Effects.
person MehDeletingLater calendar_month June 20, 2024
Doodle Champion Island Games
Google collaborated with Japanese animation studio Studio 4°C to make the game, because they wanted its artwork and character designs to be done by Japanese artists. The studio started by researching folk tales and designing characters to appeal to audiences of all ages. While the main game was inspired by 16-bit JRPGs, the seven sports minigames Google proposed were inspired by other game genres including shooting gallery, rhythm, and skateboarding games. To connect the champions to each sport, Studio 4°C settled on using historical and mythological figures who used items that complimented the sports. Google originally proposed a fox as the game's protagonist, but Studio 4°C rejected this due to the fox's reputation as a trickster archetype in Japanese culture, and they opted to design a cat named Lucky as a heroic figure instead. Lucky was made a female calico cat both to break away from depictions of women as "scary characters" in Japanese folklore, and because of the traditional prominence of calico cats in the country through items like Maneki-neko ("Beckoning cat") figurines.
person MehDeletingLater calendar_month June 20, 2024
The iconic "Challenging Stages" from Galaga originated as a glitch discovered by programmer Tetsu Ogawa, where Galaga forces would appear and then fly off without breaking formation, with the glitch preventing them from attacking the player. As the developers were looking for bonus content in the same veins as Pac-Man's Coffee Break cutscenes or Rally-X's own Challenging Stages, it was decided this glitch could be implemented with more enemy patterns as the game's equivalent to those, and would add more replay value.
King & Balloon
King & Balloon was the first game to be produced by Namco using a surplus of Galaxian PCB boards they manufactured. According to co-director Shigeru Yokoyama, he wanted the game to have an autofire feature with "tons of bullets" to reflect the "panicked mindset" of the player seeing the King get taken by balloons. However, the Galaxian PCB boards could not handle either of these ideas since Galaxian did not have an autofire feature to begin with, and the bullets were made faster than those in Galaxian as a compromise.
Hogwarts Legacy
The plot of Hogwarts Legacy was purposefully set in a time period where many pre-established characters from the Harry Potter franchise (such as Newton Scamander or Harry Potter himself) are not around. According to lead writer Moira Squier, this was done in order to provide the player with a unique world. As part of this, the writing team focused on creating a diverse collection of characters for players to potentially identify with:

"All the writing team got together and would pitch ideas. We wanted a diverse collection of professors, students, vendors in the shop, etc. People called upon their own experiences. Hopefully you play the game and see a character and go "That's like my sister", or an uncle, or anything like that. And we really wanted to tie it to the familiar world – so you'll hear there's a Weasley, a Rookwood… Professor Black is a known character as a portrait in the books, so fleshing him out, we really loved."

However, while main characters from across the franchise are not present, selected minor characters (such as Nearly Headless Nick and Peeves the Poltergeist) are still present in the game.
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month June 15, 2024
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
subdirectory_arrow_right The Legend of Zelda (Franchise)
While Link being able to manually jump either on his own like in Zelda II: The Adventure of Link or through the use of an item like the Roc's Feather from The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening is a recurring ability in the series, several 3D installments forgo this in favor of having Link jump automatically at the edge of a platform. There are conflicting claims by series producer Eiji Aounuma and series co-creator Shigeru Miyamoto as to who thought of the automatic jump during the development of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and why. Aonuma claimed the autojump was directly inspired by the Roc's Feather and he had it implemented due to his own poor ability at playing platform games, wishing that the game could do the jumping for him. Miyamoto on the other hand claimed that he had thought of the autojump one morning and sprung it on the development team, who were planning to add a manual jump and were previously used to making Mario games, as an intentional limitation to see if they could "do all kinds of things." Manual jumping would be incorporated into a 3D Zelda game for the first time with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
person CuriousUserX90 calendar_month June 13, 2024
Risk: Factions
The character Commandant SixFour is named in reference to the Commodore 64, the console where the first video game based on Risk was released on. This is alluded to in the game's Campaign Mode, where it's shown that Commandant SixFour uses outdated visual technology reminiscent of the Commodore 64's graphics, which leads to him Spoiler:betraying General McGutterpants shortly after activating, as he cannot tell the difference between the Humans and the Cats, thus declaring war on both.
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month June 12, 2024
When putting The Joker against Black Adam, the former will mockingly ask "Weren't you supposed to be 'rearranging the hierarchy' or something?". This is a jab at the 2022 film "Black Adam" starring Dwayne Johnson in the titular role. In the lead-up to the film's release, Johnson released a series of real life promos in which he declared that Black Adam would "change the hierarchy of power in the DC Universe". This quickly became an internet meme, and was poked at even further after the film bombed at the box office (the film had grossed $390 million, but needed to reach $600 million in order to break even).
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
In an Iwata Asks interview conducted to promote the release of The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, Takashi Tezuka revealed that the world of Link's Awakening was strongly inspired by the 1990 TV series Twin Peaks. According to Tezuka, he was fascinated by how the show was able to mine drama out of a small cast of "suspicious types" confined to a single town and sought to replicate that approach with Link's Awakening, stating that "while it would be small enough in scope to easily understand, it would have deep and distinctive characteristics."
person VinchVolt calendar_month June 1, 2024
Game & Watch: Super Mario Bros.
Attachment One of the Sleep Mode screens, which depicts Mario and Luigi having a picnic in World 4-3, is based on a piece of concept art originally drawn for The Super Mario Bros. Movie, and was included in this Game & Watch over two years before the film's 2023 release. The original image is showcased in one of the bonus features on the film's home media release, "Meet the Cast: Charlie Day as Luigi". Among other differences, the concept art features Mario & Luigi sitting on mushrooms instead of blocks and wearing their modern outfits instead of ones matching their in-game sprites.
Kamikuishiki-mura Monogatari
Upon its discovery by English-speaking audiences, Kamikuishiki-mura Monogatari was widely speculated to be a propaganda game by Aleph (formerly and more infamously known as Aum Shinrikyo), a Japanese apocalypse cult and terrorist organization most notorious for perpetrating the Tokyo subway sarin gas attack in 1995. The game sees the player control Aleph founder Shoko Asahara, who expands the cult's influence throughout the game before eventually carrying out the sarin attack. Successfully carrying out the attack results in the player winning the game, while repeated mismanagement of the cult triggers the apocalypse that Asahara prophesied. Various photographs, propaganda footage, and news coverage tied to Aleph is also featured throughout the game, most prominently on the title screen.

Despite these elements, the idea that the game was created to advertise Aleph was eventually disproven in a 2019 investigation by Vice. According to the article, the game was published shortly after the sarin attacks with the intent of mocking the cult instead of endorsing them. Developer HappySoft's advertising campaign emphasized their hatred of Aleph and highlighted the fact that players could sell Asahara's bodily fluids to "stupid believers." Additionally, the live-action footage featured in the game was picked specifically to demean the cult, as featured news coverage is negative in tone and shows Aleph spokespeople frantically trying to avoid reporters, while the propaganda footage consists of clips that were widely mocked in Japanese media following the sarin attacks. Vice attributed the misconceptions to a combination of language barriers and limited international knowledge about Aleph beyond the sarin attacks.
person VinchVolt calendar_month May 27, 2024
Garten of Banban
subdirectory_arrow_right Reincarnated (Game), Indigo Park (Game)
In 2023, after seeing online backlash towards Garten of Banban for its barebones quality and gameplay, YouTuber UniqueGeese (real name Mason Myers) decided to try recreating the game in a single week to see if game development could be that easy. He would go on to do so over his spring break, and showed the results of his work in a video titled "I Recreated Garten of Banban in One Week", which would go on to become his most popular video. He released the game as "Garten of Banban: Reincarnated", but would later change the name to simply "Reincarnated" per the request of Garten of Banban developers the Euphoric Brothers in order to avoid confusion regarding the original games. The popularity of Reincarnated inspired Myers to create his own unique horror game, resulting in the development of Indigo Park.
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month May 26, 2024
"I Recreated Garten of Banban in One Week" video:

Q&A video about Indigo Park development:
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