In an Iwata Asks interview conducted to promote the release of The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, Takashi Tezuka revealed that the world of Link's Awakening was strongly inspired by the 1990 TV series Twin Peaks. According to Tezuka, he was fascinated by how the show was able to mine drama out of a small cast of "suspicious types" confined to a single town and sought to replicate that approach with Link's Awakening, stating that "while it would be small enough in scope to easily understand, it would have deep and distinctive characteristics."
There is unused text in the game's ROM that says "You've got a Shovel! Now you can feel the joy of digging!" Additionally there is unused chest data in one of the caves for a shovel suggesting that the shovel was originally meant to be obtained from a chest rather than being purchased.
The first idea for the game was a port of A Link to the Past, but it eventually evolved into an original game.
When Link hits a Cucco, Marin scolds him, but if Link hits a Cucco too many times, Marin will temporarily change her attitude and encourage Link to keep attacking it. These are traits of a Psychopath.
If Link plays the "Ballad of the Wind Fish" while in the presence of Marin, she will say, "Not very good... Eh? What? Did I say something? No, you're hearing things..."
subdirectory_arrow_right The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX (Game)
In the German version of the game, entering Link's name as "MOYSE" will change the background music to a techno remix. The code refers to the famous German translator Claude Moyse. In the DX version of the game, the code will change the music to a remix of Totaka's Song.
subdirectory_arrow_right Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru (Game)

subdirectory_arrow_right The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Game)
In the Japanese version of the original game, inputting your name as とたけけ (Totakeke) will change the file select screen's music to a remix of Totaka's song. This would be implemented in all versions of the game's remake.
Original version:
Switch remake:
Switch remake:
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subdirectory_arrow_right The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX (Game)

To the right of that room is one that was definitely never intended to be used at all, consisting only of a "down" staircase leading up to the fourth floor, presumably for testing purposes. It's also the only way to get up there. (Leaving the 4F area in any direction will take you to blank "default" rooms.)
These rooms are also present in the DX version.
When the player is inside Richard's villa, waiting around for two and a half minutes will trigger an instance of the famous Totaka's Song.
Totaka's Song is a small ditty that composer Kazumi Totaka likes to hide in many of works, including Mario Paint, Yoshi's Story, Luigi's Mansion, and most famously, the Animal Crossing series.
Totaka's Song is a small ditty that composer Kazumi Totaka likes to hide in many of works, including Mario Paint, Yoshi's Story, Luigi's Mansion, and most famously, the Animal Crossing series.

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The Legend of Zelda Fandom wiki article:
Hippo Model's appearance in the Switch remake:
Hippo Model's appearance in the Switch remake:
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The Cutting Room Floor article:
Original DidYouKnowGaming post:
Original DidYouKnowGaming post:

These show that the Wind Marimba was originally a pair of cymbals, you could carry more than one of Crazy Tracy's medicine, and you could also carry the Guardian's Acorn. There also appears to be another item that wasn't in the final game that looks like a stone fragment. This was also a prize available in the crane mini-game.
There is also an early version of the world map that is completely different from the final game. It appears to be a highly condensed version of Hyrule from A Link to the Past map. This was likely used as a placeholder during development.
It also seems that the boss battle with Moldorm would have taken place in a room that is completely different from the final version of the game.
If the player names their character "ZELDA" in all capital letters ("LOLO" in the French release; "ぜるだ" in the Japanese release) they are treated to a salsa remix of the game's main theme. This could also be a nod to the original The Legend of Zelda on the NES, where entering the name "ZELDA" on the second save slot results in the game starting on the second quest immediately.
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