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Yume Nikki
Within all available builds of the game are sprites for three possible effects that were never implemented. One set of sprites depicts Madotsuki blindfolded, another depicts a grayscale version of her similar to the "ghost" found in Mini Hell, and a third depicts 8-bit versions of the "crick in the neck," which in the final game is instead an event where Madotsuki randomly wakes up with her head stuck facing leftward. Of note is that Versions 0.07 to 0.09 additionally feature sprites for blindfolded and grayscale Madotsuki pinching herself awake; Version 0.10 overwrites them with the "active" sprites for the Spirit Headband effect.

Additionally, the game's data contains an unused mugshot depicting what appears to be an early iteration of the Spirit Headband effect, in which Madotsuki turns into a hitodama (a disembodied soul which appears as a floating ball of fire, comparable to a will-o'-the-wisp in many Western cultures) rather than becoming invisible. A full set of sprites for this version is also present in Version 0.04's data, showing that rather than turning invisible, pressing the 1 key would've simply changed the fire's color.
person VinchVolt calendar_month June 7, 2024
Yume Nikki
Attachment In all earlier builds of the game, Neon World featured a radically different layout, matching the open-world structure of the other "main" locations accessible from the Nexus. The sole relic of this in Version 0.10's segmented design is the room that Madotsuki starts in, which is much bigger and features a more spread-out tile pattern compared to the other rooms in Neon World.

One noteworthy casualty from the layout change is the removal of various head-like figures scattered across Neon World in Version 0.09. These figures are not seen anywhere in Version 0.10, making them the only documented "characters" that were outright removed (rather than relocated) in a later update.
Yume Nikki
Attachment Number World was not implemented until Version 0.08; in prior builds, the gray door in the Nexus with a large red circle on it instead lead to an early iteration of Lamp World. Of note is that the earlier version of Lamp World features an alcove full of beds and cupboards. A bloodstain is also present in the bottom-right corner of the room; in Version 0.07, this stain teleports Madotsuki to the Guillotine Room when stepped on. This alcove would be moved to the Number World in Version 0.08 onward, and the bloodstain would be replaced with a Zippertile spewing blood out of its mouth, still acting as a warp to the Guillotine Room.

Additionally, the early version of Lamp World featured background music that is not present anywhere in Version 0.08 onward; this track was also used for the Face Carpet area in Forest World before it was concurrently replaced in Version 0.08 with the background music for the hot springs building in the Wilderness, played at 70% speed.
Yume Nikki
Attachment In the earliest available builds of Yume Nikki, the gate on a high ledge in Block World leads to a room colloquially known as the "Toriningen's Bed" event; it is present in Version 0.04, 0.06, and presumably 0.05, but because Versions 0.00 to 0.03 are not publicly available (as is 0.05), it is unknown if the Toriningen's Bed event was added in Version 0.04 or if it was present in prior builds.

This room consists solely of a long walkway leading to a bed. Entering it causes a lunatic Toriningen to spawn at the entrance of the walkway; because the hallway is only one tile wide, there is no way of avoiding it, and once it catches Madotsuki, she is transported to an out of bounds portion of Footprint Path A, rendering her immobile until she wakes up or teleports back to the Nexus with the Eye Palm effect. Version 0.06 revises the area so that it uses Block World's background music, played at 50% speed, instead of Eyeball World's background music.

In Version 0.07, the Toriningen's Bed event is removed, and the gate leading to it now leads to the White Desert; this change is retained in Version 0.10. Discounting the unused "NASU Link" event in Version 0.09, this is the only known event that was removed in a later update.
person VinchVolt calendar_month June 6, 2024
Yume Nikki
Attachment The earliest builds of the game only contained 20 effects, missing the Witch, Oni, Squish-Squish, and Traffic Light. These four were not added until Version 0.05, as evidenced by the changelog provided in both the game's README file and Kikiyama's official website.

Of particular note is the Squish-Squish effect, which is provided by interacting with an amorphous, blue-gray figure with a single, large eye. In Version 0.06 (the earliest available build to feature all 24 effects), the figure was present in a shack in the Barracks Settlement that Madotsuki could not enter in previous versions. In Version 0.08, the figure is moved to FC World B; however, a copy of it is still present in its original location in the Barracks Settlement, where it is being fed on by the newly added Seahorse. In Version 0.09, the Seahorse's design is updated to change its skin from purple to orange and add four hornlike structures to the top of its head. Version 0.10 removes the version of the figure that the Seahorse fed on.

This sequence of events gives the impression that the Seahorse's development was a direct result of feeding on the figure, thus providing the only known instance of the game's updates appearing to convey a narrative within the Dream World.
person VinchVolt calendar_month June 6, 2024
Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy is notable for introducing the first transgender character in the Harry Potter franchise in the form of Sirona Ryan, the owner of the Three Broomsticks pub who outright tells the player that it took her classmates "a second to realize I was actually a witch, not a wizard". This drew attention as the creator of the Harry Potter franchise, J.K. Rowling, has generated controversy over the years by making comments that many have criticized as transphobic. It is worth noting that while she would receive profits from the game's sales leading many fans to boycott the game, she had no involvement in its development. In regards to the inclusion, the developers stated:

"The team felt that it was very important to create a game that is representative of the rich and diverse world of Harry Potter as well as the groups of people who play games, which includes the LGBTQIA+ community. We have a diverse cast of characters that players will encounter throughout the game.”

However, after the character was revealed, several fans further complained that the name Sirona Ryan rendered the inclusion of a transgender character tone deaf and continued promoting the boycott. The name "Sirona" originates from the Celtic goddess of healing and rebirth and is symbolized with imagery of snakes (animals that shed their skin) and eggs (where many birds, fish and reptiles among other animals emerge from after incubating). Despite being a feminine name, they claimed to perceive it as a male-presenting name due to that variant of the name containing and potentially being shortened to "Sir", while also pointing out that the surname "Ryan" was a masculine name and an anglicized form that was used instead of the less common authentic Gaelic name "Riain". This set up the name to appear as an unintentional pun: "Sir Ryan". Despite these complaints, the boycott turned out to be a failure as Hogwarts Legacy became commercially successful, selling over 12 million copies in its first two weeks of release and going on to sell double that amount by the end of 2023.
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month June 5, 2024
Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned
The game is notable for two puzzles considered by fans and critics to separately be one of the best and worst ever made for an adventure game.

The puzzle "Le Serpent Rouge" ("The Red Snake") involves decoding torn-up poem stanzas by hunting for information during the game and solving geometric mapping puzzles. This puzzle was widely praised for its overarching complexity and intriguing nature regardless of the player's interest in the real-life mysteries of Rennes-le-Château, a Southern French commune crucial to the game's plot that has been covered in various books and conspiracy theories. The poem was originally included in the "Secret Files of Henri Lobineau", a 1967 dossier about the fraternal organization the Priory of Sion, and was modified to make the puzzle solvable. Lead designer Jane Jensen named it her favorite and most challenging puzzle, designing it around the game's fully controllable 3D camera.

Meanwhile, a puzzle designed by producer Steven Hill was disliked internally and was meant to be replaced with a puzzle by Jensen, but they were forced to leave it in the game due to time constraints. It starts with Gabriel Knight finding that his friend Detective Mosely arrived in France the night before in a tour group and is scheduled to rent a motorcycle that day, so he goes to rent one himself. The nearsighted rental stand clerk requires a passport to confirm arrivals, revealing that the only rides he has left are a bike saved for Mosely and a cheap scooter. To get the bike, Knight plans to disguise as Mosely by Spoiler:stealing his coat and passport, and hiding his long blonde hair in a hat, despite putting it in a visible ponytail. He then draws a mustache on Mosely's photo to obscure their facial differences, goes to a shed, puts masking tape on a hole in the shed door, sprays a nearby cat with water causing it to run into the tape and stick fur to it, and applies it to his face with some maple syrup from breakfast to make a fake mustache. The disguise inexplicably works, and Knight gets the bike.

Moreso than Le Serpent Rouge was praised, the disguise puzzle was roundly criticized for its lack of hints, the impossibility of Knight convincingly impersonating Mosely, and the cartoonish roundabout way of Spoiler:making the mustache clashing with the game's serious tone. Critics felt that while it was not the most difficult puzzle, the solution was too absurd for the average player to think it would work. The most scathing review came from future Valve writer Eric Wolpaw, who blamed Jensen for the poor design (it was not known at the time that she did not design it), and called the process of Spoiler:making the mustache "deranged", controversially declaring it was proof that adventure games "committed suicide". While Jensen disliked the puzzle, she thought it being the death of adventure games was "kinda overblown", and the "length of the sequence and the lack of hints" was what made it bad.
person MehDeletingLater calendar_month June 5, 2024
Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned - Le Serpent Rouge poem and walkthrough:

Hunting Shadows: The Making of Gabriel Knight - Chapter 5:

Anastasia Salter - "Jane Jensen: Gabriel Knight, Adventure Games, Hidden Objects" (2017) - Influential Video Game Designers. Bloomsbury Publishing USA. ISBN 978-1501327452. (Pages 58-60):

Jane Jensen Adventure Gamers interview:

Le Serpent Rouge real poem article:

Le Serpent Rouge puzzle miscellaneous Adventure Gamers acclaim:

Computer Gaming World - Issue #179, June 1999 (Page 63 in magazine):

The Games Machine - No. 6, March 2008 (Page 68 in magazine):

Detective Mosely tour group context just before the puzzle:

Disguise puzzle footage:

Kotaku interview snippet:

Computer Gaming World - Issue #189, April 2000 (Pages 74-75):

Old Man Murray (Eric Wolpaw) - Death of Adventure Games:

Gamasutra interview mentioning impact of Old Man Murray blog post:

GamesRadar+ article:

InVisible Culture article (counterargument about the "death of adventure games"):
Yume Nikki
Attachment The game contains data for a second party member, despite the fact that Madotsuki is alone in standard gameplay. Using RPG Maker 2003's debugging tools to add this figure to Madotsuki's party shows that it does not have any sprites or even a name. However, various changes occur to the game's world, indicating that Kikiyama most likely used this for testing purposes:

• Almost all Toriningen are despawned; the only exceptions are the one in the Mall who changes the menu's palette when spoken to and the group throwing a party in the wilderness.
• The top-left cupboard in both versions of the Guillotine Room disappears. However, it can still be interacted with: pressing Z or Enter when standing where it normally would be transports Madotsuki to a random cupboard in the Number World, as if she had used one of the randomly generated exit cupboards. Returning to the Guillotine Room restores the top-left cupboard to its normal position.
• Movement is disabled upon waking up.
• The Witch's Flight event can be accessed by walking off the top-right corner of the Mall's rooftop, regardless of whether or not Madotsuki has the Witch effect equipped and active.
• An unused parallax background (named ネオン背景.xyz in the game's files) is enabled in Neon World, which normally has a solid black backdrop in Version 0.10 and all available early builds. This background, which depicts a series of ripples distorting a group of red, blue, and green lights, does not scroll correctly, only showing the top-left corner of it. Notably, this is the only unused background in the final game.

The notion that this invisible party member was used as a debugging tool is further bolstered by the presence of three similar extra party members (which also have no graphics or names) in Version 0.06. In that earlier build, Madotsuki is internally listed as the fourth party member; enabling the first one adds NASU to the game's debug map, though both that version and the one in Madotsuki's room will not progress past the title screen.
person VinchVolt calendar_month June 5, 2024
Scribblenauts Showdown
Scribblenauts Showdown is the first game in the series to not be developed by 5th Cell, the creators of the series. Instead, it was developed by Shiver Entertainment, and is notable for being the only original game developed by the company, with their other releases being Scribblenauts Mega Pack (a compilation consisting of Scribblenauts Unlimited and Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure) and the Nintendo Switch ports of Mortal Kombat 11, Mortal Kombat 1, and Hogwarts Legacy.
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month June 5, 2024
Article about Scribblenauts Showdown:

Shiver Entertainment website (includes games worked on):
Yume Nikki
Attachment In all recovered early builds of the game, the Fatten effect was provided by a funhouse mirror hidden in the large red maze (colloquially known as Hell). In Version 0.10, the mirror is removed and the effect is instead obtained by interacting with a tall, flashing humanoid (colloquially known as Strober) in the Docks B, and the portion of Hell where the mirror was once located is now empty. Incidentally, the Docks B is only accessible through Hell, preserving the association between the latter area and the effect.

Despite the mirror being removed from the normal course of play in the final build, it is still present in a debug room hidden in the game's code, functioning as it did in earlier versions. However, in the official English release, the text that appears when interacting with it, "★ふとる★", is corrupted due to it not being translated.
person VinchVolt calendar_month June 4, 2024
Viva Pinata: Pocket Paradise
When asked if there had always been plans to make a Viva Piñata game for the Nintendo DS, producer Paul Machacek stated:

"No, and yes, erm, in that order. In discussions for a follow-on project for DKR DS it became a greater focal point, and in hindsight, seeing what we came up with, it's proven to be a complete no-brainer. We love it."
Following the release of Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 3: Night of the Quinkan, development started on a fourth entry in the series titled "Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Gunyip!". According to series co-creator Steve Stamatiadis, this game would have expanded upon the aerial combat sections featured in Ty 3, featuring a variety of Bunyip-inspired aircraft and factions, as well as both new and returning characters. It was ultimately cancelled around 2007 due to Krome Studios focusing their resources on developing ports for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Stamatiadis would later release a test reel of the game on his Tumblr page, which was later included as a piece of bonus content for Ty 3's PC remaster.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
In an Iwata Asks interview conducted to promote the release of The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, Takashi Tezuka revealed that the world of Link's Awakening was strongly inspired by the 1990 TV series Twin Peaks. According to Tezuka, he was fascinated by how the show was able to mine drama out of a small cast of "suspicious types" confined to a single town and sought to replicate that approach with Link's Awakening, stating that "while it would be small enough in scope to easily understand, it would have deep and distinctive characteristics."
person VinchVolt calendar_month June 1, 2024
Gal Guardians: Demon Purge
Originally, the game was going to be titled "Grim Guardians: Demon Purge", but had to have its name changed due to disputes regarding the trademarked term "Grimguard".
Street Combat
subdirectory_arrow_right Ranma ½: Chounai Gekitou-hen (Game)
Attachment Street Combat was originally released in Japan as Ranma ½: Chounai Gekitou Hen, a tie-in with the anime adaptation of Rumiko Takahashi's 1987 manga Ranma ½. The American release stripped out all references to the source material due to its obscurity in the United States at the time, though the in-game sprites for Street Combat's cast are visibly traced over their Ranma ½ counterparts. Additionally, Happosai and Cologne are merged into a single character, Happy, in Street Combat.
person VinchVolt calendar_month May 31, 2024
The Cutting Room Floor article:

Hardcore Gaming 101 article:

YouTube video comparing the Japanese and US versions:
Attachment Within the data for Chapter 2 is a placeholder graphic for Queen's arcade cabinet that depicts it with green paneling and the word "XBOX" crudely written on the marquee. Despite the fact that it was never intended to be featured in the normal course of play, the sprite was altered in the version 1.06 update to remove the "XBOX" text, presumably to avoid potential trademark issues.
Attachment In Chapter 2, when Queen challenges Kris to an arcade match, the arcade cabinet presented is so large that Kris is unable to reach the controls. While the released game conveys this solely through narration, its internal data contains an unused animation depicting Kris reaching up towards the cabinet's joysticks. It is unknown why this was removed, given that it fulfills the same function as the textual description.
person VinchVolt calendar_month May 26, 2024
The Cutting Room Floor article:

YouTube video showcasing the cutscene as it normally occurs:
In the Undertale sixth anniversary livestream, Toby Fox stated that the scene in Chapter 1 where Susie holds off from attacking Kris due to her respect for Toriel was inspired by a real encounter with a bully that he had. According to Fox, the bully knew his mother and stated that they would've beaten him up if she wasn't nice to them.
Purble Place
The developers of Purble Place do not recall where the name "Purble" came from, beyond it simply being alliterative and fun to say. During development, devs would frequently mistakenly refer to the game as "Purple Place".
The game's creator David O'Reilly was friends with Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert, also known as the "Daniels", the two writers and directors of the 2022 film "Everything Everywhere All at Once". During the climax of the film, protagonist Evelyn Wang and antagonist Jobu Tupaki appear in an alternate universe where they are both rocks overlooking a vista. In an interview with the Daniels, they revealed that this scene had two major influences. One being the children's book "Sylvester and the Magic Pebble" (about a donkey who turns into a rock and is isolated from his family), while the other inspiration was the core concept of O'Reilly's video game Everything, where the player can play as "literally anything". They described it as follows:

Kwan: "Literally, you can be a toenail clipping, you can be a fire hydrant, you can be an antelope, you can be a rock. And there’s maybe a dozen different kind of rocks you can be. Just rolling around —"

Scheinert: "— just feels good."

Kwan: "It feels good and that is really beautiful. The whole purpose of the game is you have to look at it and not press anything. It's a game where the longer you don't press anything —"

Scheinert: "— the more you progress."

Kwan: "He called it a relax-'em-up instead of a shoot-'em-up."
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