Trivia Browser



At the start of Bayonetta, a funeral is held for a notorious criminal known as "Eggman the Destroyer". This, to a Western audience, seems like a very obvious reference to Sonic the Hedgehog's main antagonist Dr. Eggman, as Bayonetta was published by Sega. However, series creator Hideki Kamiya claimed that he randomly chose the name Eggman and was not aware that there existed a popular Sega character with the name, choosing to leave it as is in the hopes that fans would "get a kick out of that".
Holocure: Save the Fans!
The "Sausage" and "Legendary Sausage" weapons in Holocure: Save the Fans! are based on the mobile games Sausage Legend and Sausage Legend 2, which are known for being played on livestreams by Hololive talent Oozora Subaru and her viewers. According to developer Kay Yu, he was granted permission by the Sausage Legend developers to reference the game via these weapons and its collaborations. In 2023, the references culminated in Hololive working with the Sausage Legend developers to release special skins for Sausage Legend 2 based on Subaru and fellow member Hakui Koyori.
person aa1205 calendar_month July 17, 2024
Holocure Fandom wiki pages for the Sausage and Legendary Sausage weapons:

Article about Sausage Legend 2 Hololive collaboration:

Sausage Legend 2 - Oozura Subaru "Legendary Sausage" weapon:

Compilation of Subaru playing Sausage Legend with viewers:

Kay Yu confirming permission to use references:
Collection: jubeat
The jubeat series utilizes a scoring system to determine its ranks and whether a player clears or fails a song, with notes scoring points depending on how close they are to a Perfect timing. At least 700,000 points are required to get the lowest passing grade of C. This means it is possible to obtain a full combo yet still fail a song through lack of points by intentionally hitting all notes early/late enough to still register as a Good.
person aa1205 calendar_month July 16, 2024
Video of player getting Full Combo, yet still failing the song:

RemyWiki section explaining jubeat’s scoring system:
Marvel's Spider-Man
In a 2018 Syfy Wire interview with writers Christos Gage and Jon Paquette, they revealed that Silver Sable and Sable International were included in the game because they felt that there needed to be a presence or force in the overworld that added more stakes and tension to the game once the story events "became dire".
Zenless Zone Zero
To promote the release of Zenless Zone Zero, publisher HoYoverse collaborated with several graffiti artists to create graffiti based on the game across nineteen different cities in Indonesia.
Samurai Deeper Kyo
While Samurai Deeper Kyo received a formal release in Japan in 2002, it was never actually released in stores on its own in North America, instead being included as a bonus in the source material's complete series DVD box set in 2008. This made the North American version of the game the last officially licensed game released for the Game Boy Advance.
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month July 12, 2024
Star Fox 2
According to programmer Dylan Cuthbert (who reportedly help named the original pilots from the first Star Fox), one of the new pilots in Star Fox 2, Fay, was named after his childhood crush, a girl who lived next door to his grandparents' house. Although Fay, as well as Miyu, were never officially given proper surnames, Cuthbert has stated that in his head, he's always considered their full names to be Fay Sinclair and Miyu Swift respectively.
person Dinoman96 calendar_month July 11, 2024
Beyond Good & Evil 2
In September 2020, it was announced that the game's original director and series creator Michel Ancel would be retiring from the video game industry to focus on working for a wildlife sanctuary, but it was assured that development would continue without him. Later that month, the French newspaper "Libération" reported that several members of his team at Ubisoft Montpellier had accused him of acting abusive and unorganized, resulting in numerous delays and restarts since the game's announcement in 2008. This behavior was allegedly worsened by his simultaneous work on Wild (a big-budget game announced in 2014), preventing him from working on Beyond Good & Evil 2 with its team full-time. Although reports were submitted to company leadership as early as 2017, it was alleged that Ancel's relationship with Ubisoft co-founder Yves Guillemot prevented any major corrections from occurring until June and July 2020, when employees from all over the company came forward with sexual abuse and other misconduct allegations against high-ranking executives. Ubisoft would later comment that Ancel had not been directly involved in the game's development for "some time now" before his departure.

Ancel was interviewed as part of Libération's investigation. He claimed that Guillemot informed him that Ubisoft was investigating him in early August 2020, but claimed he was unaware that numerous team members blamed him for the game's development issues, and believed they were actually caused by long-term stress and burnout. He claimed he resigned on his own accord and that his only regret was not finishing the game sooner. The newspaper claimed that the interview took place on September 18th, the same day that Ancel and Ubisoft's statements about the departure were released. One week later when the report and interview were published, Ancel denied all of the allegations in an Instagram post, calling the articles "fake news" and accusing the newspaper of publishing them as soon as possible to conflate them with the earlier Ubisoft allegations in June and July, over a month before Ubisoft's investigation into him allegedly began.
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month July 9, 2024
Space Channel 5: Part 2
Several additional characters were planned to appear in the game, but were scrapped in order to keep the game's plot easier to understand. This includes the presence of a "Space Broadcasting Censorship Bureau", who would interrupt broadcasts that were deemed unsuitable (and whom Pine was originally going to be a member of alongside her backups Sexy 1 and 2, taking issue with Ulala's exposing outfit), a narcissistic reporter from Channel 777 named "Gold Kinpicano", and a different main antagonist tentatively referred to as the "Dark Dancing Demon Lord", whose goal was to invade the entire universe with dance.
Kien was originally developed between 2002 and 2004 by AgeOfGames, a group of five Italian developers who had no prior experience making video games, aiming to be the first company in their country to develop a game for the Game Boy Advance. The game's release would end up being cancelled three separate times when multiple publishers picked up the game and then decided that releasing it would be too risky for sales. At the time, the game was completed and sent to gaming publications, with one known review appearing in the American magazine Nintendo Power in 2003. The game remained unreleased for over 20 years, but a prototype ROM of the game did leak online at one point. Game designer Fabio Belsanti would be the only member of the game's original development team to remain at AgeOfGames, who had shifted to developing educational games to stay afloat. Eventually, with the rising popularity in retro games and lowered cost to produce GBA cartridges, AgeOfGames was able to release Kien in 2024 both digitally and on physical cartridges through retro game publisher Incube8 Games. The game's release garnered attention for it possibly having taken the record for the longest delayed video game release in history, surpassing Duke Nukem Forever and Beyond Good & Evil 2 by taking 22 years to release.
person MehDeletingLater calendar_month July 6, 2024
Nights Into Dreams...
The character of NiGHTS was inspired by director Naoto Ohshima's travels across Europe and western Asia. In order to give his design as much universal appeal as possible, various regional styles were incorporated into it, namely Japanese, European, and American. In the context of the game, NiGHTS is part of every person's subconscious, and as such was designed to have an androgynous "dual male/female" appearance, but has been referred to with male pronouns in the same breath by Sonic Team.
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month July 6, 2024
Official Sega Saturn Magazine Issue #11 (Pages 38-41 in the magazine):
Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition
The existence of Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition was accidentally leaked ahead of its official announcement by the ESRB website on May 3, 2024.
Crush Crush
In 2023, the game's official Twitter account hosted a poll to decide the name of a character set to be added to a future "Beach Bash" event (the character was tentatively named "Crab-chan" on account of her being "literally a crab turned into a waifu"). The options given were all crab-based puns: "Crabitha" (a portmanteau of "crab" and "Tabitha"), "Shelly" (a reference to how many species of crab have shells), "Pearl" (a nod to how crabs are capable of creating "pearl sacs"), and "Crabigail" (a portmanteau of "crab" and "Abigail"). The name "Shelly" ultimately won, and she was added to the game as part of the Beach Bash Event 2024.
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month July 2, 2024
Danganronpa S: Ultimate Summer Camp
Much of the game's development was spent balancing the gameplay between Danganronpa S's various modes. One part of this was by making it so that the different characters and their rarities did not affect the core gameplay too much, as which characters players unlocked was heavily luck-based. According to director Shun Sasaki, balancing wasn't finished until much later in development, on account of it being improved bit by bit with new features implemented. Supposedly, the game's microtransactions were added in order to prevent frustration from players being unable to get their preferred characters.
Prior to its release, Teppen was known as "Project Battle".
UPIXO In Action: Mission in Snowdriftland
UPIXO in Action: Mission in Snowdriftland was created to serve as an Advent calendar with a winter theme. This is why the game was only available for a limited time, as the developers did not see much reason for the game to be playable all year round.
Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law
The only member of the voice cast of "Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law" to not reprise their role in the game is Stephen Colbert, who voiced Phil Ken Sebben and Myron Reducto. These roles are respectively replaced by Stephen Stanton and Crispin Freeman.
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month June 25, 2024
Risk: Factions
The character Colonel Claus Von Stiffenberg is named in reference to Claus von Stauffenberg, a German army officer most famous for his failed assassination attempt of Adolf Hitler on July 20, 1944. Similarly, the speech that he gives as the Zombies declare war on the other factions is a reference to "Ich bin ein Berliner" (translated to "I am a Berliner"), a speech given by U.S. President John F. Kennedy during the Cold War, specifically the line "All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin, and therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words "Ich bin ein Berliner!"".
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month June 23, 2024
Introduction in game (timestamp 28:39):

Timeline of Stauffenberg's life (note that source is in German):

Archive of Kennedy's speech:
Poppy Playtime
Chapter 3 of the game was originally intended to release in Winter 2023. However, due in part to several key developers leaving Mob Entertainment over "creative differences", the chapter was delayed into 2024.
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month June 23, 2024
Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny
Attachment One of the dungeon rooms in the game features children locked in jail cells. The player can free the children by pushing on a spot in the wall, but upon being freed, they will attack the player. Series creator Richard Garriot created this room in an effort to involve players emotionally and psychologically in the gameplay by posing a situation where they alone would have to think and decide whether or not to slaughter children. While killing the children is the easiest way to get out of that room, there are multiple methods to spare the children, such as using the Charm or Sleep spells. The game offers no punishment or reward for sparing or killing them, and since this event had no impact on the rest of the game, Garriot did not care how players resolved it.

This room would spark internal controversy when a religious fundamentalist playtester working at Origin Systems' New Hampshire division discovered the room and became outraged, believing the company was promoting child abuse. Instead of contacting Richard Garriot, he wrote a letter to Richard's brother Robert outlining his grievances with it and his resignation from the company, which led to Robert and his parents arguing with Richard over the phone to remove the room from the game. He defended the room by pointing out that players were not guaranteed to see it out of the 256 individual rooms in the game, that they did not have to free the children in the first place, and that they could spare them and did not have to kill them to either escape the room or win the game. He argued that his family and the playtester were trying to censor what he could do artistically while misunderstanding that the room was not meant to be explicitly offensive, and in the end, the room remained in the final game.
person Kirby Inhales Jotaro calendar_month June 23, 2024
Shay Adams - "The Official Book of Ultima" First and Second Editions (1990, 1992). ISBN 0-87455-228-1, ISBN 0-87455-264-8 (Pages 64-66 in both books):

Quote blog post:

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