Trivia Browser



Superhero League of Hoboken
subdirectory_arrow_right Boffo Games (Company)
Designer Steve Meretzky had a heavy freelance workload during Superhero League of Hoboken's development. As such, during the last months of 1993, he had to contact a friend of his, Leo DaCosta, to help with the game's programming. This collaboration led to the two of them and another friend, Mike Dornbrook, to start their own studio, Boffo Games.
Grand Theft Auto
The PC version of the game includes four female playable characters while the PlayStation version doesn't have any. According to Visual Sciences programmer Russell Kay, the lower number of playable characters in that version was due to VRAM issues and the fact that most of the PC characters were completed in the final months of the game's development, by which point the PlayStation version had already been finished.
person ZpaceJ0ck0 calendar_month December 6, 2023
Star Fox Adventures
subdirectory_arrow_right Dinosaur Planet (Game)
Attachment One of the Krazoa shrines in Star Fox Adventures, the Test of Fear, features the only in-game appearance of a mysterious dromeosaur-esque race known as the "ShadowHunters".

The ShadowHunters had a larger role in the original Dinosaur Planet. Krystal, accompanied with a LightFoot guide in place of Kyte (mirroring how Sabre was supposed to get a temporary sidekick in place of Tricky in the form of a infant RedEye within Walled City), would come across them in an area called BlackWater Canyon, which was said to be the dinosaur's sacred burial grounds, and the home of the Tree of Souls, which was said to return the magic energy of a dinosaur into the planet after their death. The ShadowHunter Tribe were the protectors of this place, with their leader being one of the SpellStone guardians, who agrees to give Krystal his SpellStone, only for his jealous son to run off with it, leading to Krystal and the LightFoot to chase after him. Eventually this leads to the ShadowHunter being trapped within the rib cages of a giant skeletal monster, which would act as the boss fight of BlackWater Canyon. After Krystal and the LightFoot defeated it, the ShadowHunter would realize that they were really trying to save Dinosaur Planet, and gave them the SpellStone, which would then be activated by the ShadowHunter leader.

BlackWater Canyon appears in the leaked December 2000 build of Dinosaur Planet, but is notably devoid of any actual design work or puzzles. The voice lines from the ShadowHunters found in this build seem to indicate a different story from what was presented in the Condensed Story; instead of a SpellStone guardian father with a jealous son, they're portrayed as brothers who live as scavengers in BlackWater Canyon, who come across the SpellStone and claim it as their own, only to come across Krystal as well as Kyte, who would accompany her to BlackWater Canyon in place of the alformentioned LightFoot tribe member. One of the ShadowHunters siblings is willing to hand over the SpellStone, but the other seems to run off with it, which leads to Krystal and Kyte chasing after him, which leads to them encountering a ghostly apparition of Kyte's mother, the Queen CloudRunner (who was killed by General Scales back in CloudRunner Fortress) who encourages them on and warns them about the angry spirits within the area, presumably referring the aforementioned skeleton monster boss (that does not appear anywhere in the leaked build). After they retrieve the SpellStone, they seem to use the Tree of Souls to activate it in place of a proper SpellStone guardian.

BlackWater Canyon would be removed entirely in the transition to Star Fox Adventures, but it seems that Rare still had substantial plans for the ShadowHunters, as an unused briefing from Peppy Hare says this:

"This is dangerous ground, Fox! The Walled City was built to hold the flesheating RedEye and ShadowHunter tribes, to ensure that they do not eat the other dinosaurs. General Scales has imprisoned Tricky's father, the King EarthWalker, within its walls. You must rescue the King and find that SpellStone. But hurry, Fox! Those nasty beasts are mighty hungry. Peppy out!"

Which seems to indicate that earlier on in SFA's development, Rare had considered having the ShadowHunters fill in the role intended for the HookClaw tribe (who had already been cut by the time of the December 2000 Dinosaur Planet build) as the secondary carnivorous antagonist of the Walled City. This of course was scrapped in the final game, where only the RedEye tribe is present.

The senior animator of Star Fox Adventures, Michael Cawood, had mentioned on his website that when animating the Test of Fear, his goal for it wasn't well defined, and he didn't have enough time or resources to request additional assets and thus had to improvise. Fortunately for him, he had access to a library of animations for the ShadowHunters that had originally been planned as enemies in the game but had never got around to being implemented past the animation stage, very likely referring to when they planned as enemies encountered in SFA's iteration of the Walled City.

Funny enough, despite having such a minimal role in the final game, the ShadowHunters were present in some of Star Fox Adventures' Japanese material, most notably on the boxart, oddly utilizing their original Dinosaur Planet renders (presumably because the GCN models were not given an official render, due to them being a last minute addition after initially being scrapped).
person Dinoman96 calendar_month December 6, 2023
Dinosaur Planet condensed story:

Dinosaur Planet - BlackWater Canyon (December 2000 build):

Dinosaur Planet (N64 Dec. 2000 Build) ShadowHunter Voice Lines:

Dinosaur Planet Audio Reconstruction: Kyte encounters the CloudRunner Queen at the Tree of Souls:

Dinosaur Planet (N64 Dec. 2000 Build) Princess Kyte Voice Lines:

Star Fox Adventures voice clips:

Test of Fear - Star Fox Adventures:

Micheal Cawood explaining the Test of Fear animation:

JP Star Fox Adventures boxart with ShadowHunter:
Star Fox Adventures
subdirectory_arrow_right Dinosaur Planet (Game)
Attachment What exists as the Walled City in Star Fox Adventures, as well as the leaked December 2000 build of Dinosaur Planet, was originally meant to be two different areas: the EarthWalker Temple, which features a similar set of puzzles and layout to what is found in the Walled City today, and the actual Walled City itself that could only be accessed by the "Jungle Doors" in the very back.

This version of the Walled City, as described the condensed Dinosaur Planet story, was said to be a place where the most dangerous dinosaurs on Dinosaur Planet lived, such as the RedEye Tribe, but also another race said to be the distant relatives of the SharpClaw, dubbed the HookClaw, who were apparently manipulating the RedEye, and was also said to be situated in the "Twilight Marshes". General Scales was said to have imprisoned the King EarthWalker (alternatively known as "Albada") here. As Tricky was said to have stayed behind in EarthWalker Temple, Sabre was to discover an egg that hatches to reveal a baby RedEye sidekick, who remains with him during his stay in the Walled City. The condensed story then describes Sabre rescuing Albada and also meeting with the area's SpellStone guardian, who helps him defeat the HookClaws and return the Baby RedEye to his father, the King of the RedEye Tribe, who has Sabre partake in some sort of challenge in order to gain the SpellStone. Sabre would later have to revisit EarthWalker Temple in order to partake in his second Krazoa shrine test, the Test of Skill, which would now be accessible at the top of the central temple.

This entire sequence and stage had already been completely reworked and rewritten by the time of the December 2000 build of Dinosaur Planet. EarthWalker Temple and Walled City had essentially been condensed into one area filled with rampaging RedEyes, with absolutely zero traces of the alformentioned HookClaw tribe or the Baby RedEye sidekick. The RedEye King (now dubbed "Klanadack" in the leaked build) would remain, but as a boss fight Sabre (or Fox McCloud, who had already taken Sabre's place in this build) must defeat in order to obtain the area's SpellStone. Lastly, Albada himself was revealed to be the SpellStone guardian. For the most part, all of this would carry over into the final Star Fox Adventures game. The Krazoa shrine located at the central temple would remain, but in Star Fox Adventures, the Test of Skill (renamed to "Test of Observation") would be relocated to Krazoa Palace as Krystal's one and only test in the opening prologue, whereas the Test of Knowledge, Krystal's final test from Golden Plains in Dinosaur Planet and fittingly enough, Fox's final proper Krazoa test in Star Fox Adventures, would be moved here.

The original EarthWalker Temple stage was found within the game files of the leaked Dinosaur Planet build, but there's no remants of the original Walled City stage, suggesting it had been scrapped before any design work had been done on it.

Curiously, an unused briefing from Peppy Hare seems to indicate that Rare had considered repurposing the ShadowHunter tribe, who were previously from BlackWater Canyon (an area that was scrapped in the transition from Dinosaur Planet to Star Fox Adventures), as the secondary carnivorous antagonists of the Walled City along with the RedEyes, filling in for the HookClaw Tribe. This too was scrapped in the final game as only the RedEyes are present in the area, and the ShadowHunters only make a brief appearance in the Test of Fear.

One thing that's worth pointing out is that early promotional material for Dinosaur Planet depicted the RedEyes as more cartoonier and cuter in appearance, in comparison to their far more monstrous and realistic appearance in both the December 2000 build as well as the final Star Fox Adventures. It's very likely that the former was a remnant from the original Walled City concept, where the RedEye were described as not being completely evil.
person Dinoman96 calendar_month December 6, 2023
One Hour of Dinosaur Planet Gameplay, that shows the original EarthWalker Temple

Dinosaur Planet condensed story:

Walled City in the December 2000 build of Dinosaur Planet:

Dinosaur Planet - Test of Skill:

Early RedEye renders shown in magazine article regarding Dinosaur Planet:

December 2000 build RedEye model:

Walled City in Star Fox Adventures:

Star Fox Adventures: Test of Knowledge:
Star Fox Adventures
subdirectory_arrow_right Dinosaur Planet (Game)
Attachment Throughout their quests in Dinosaur Planet, Sabre and Krystal could collect spell pages that were ripped from Randorn's spellbook by General Scales. These spell pages would grant them new magical abilities, such as firing ice or fire magic, disguising themselves as SharpClaw soldiers, or opening special portal doors.

In the final Star Fox Adventures, Fox periodically acquires these magic upgrades as well, but instead of collecting spell pages, he must seek magic caves spread throughout the maps which contain shrines, where he can upgrade Krystal's staff to unlock new abilities. The majority of these upgrades were repurposed from the spells from Dinosaur Planet with two subtractions: the Mind Read spell (which let Sabre and Krystal read the thoughts/minds of NPC characters) and a spell that unleashes a fiery mine that explodes and hurts enemies (that strangely is internally referred to as "Randorn Wizard"). In their place is a new ability called "Rocket Boost" that grants Fox the ability to boost himself straight upwards with the staff to reach higher ledges, should he find the corresponding Rocket Boost Pads.

One of the spells from Dinosaur Planet, the aforementioned Disguise ability that lets the player disguise themselves as a SharpClaw, appears in Star Fox Adventures but is unlocked in a completely different manner from the other upgrades: instead of finding a magic cave, Fox, after being imprisoned within CloudRunner Fortress by General Scales, communicates with Slippy who beams him the SharpClaw Disguise, which allows Fox to sneak past the nearby SharpClaw guard to reacquire his stolen staff. In comparison, in Dinosaur Planet, Krystal was granted this ability as a spell page given to her by the imprisoned BoneHead NPC (known as "Gradabug" in Star Fox Adventures).

This actually seems to be a leftover concept from an earlier version of Star Fox Adventures, where Krystal had been removed entirely and Fox would instead gain all of the abilities from Slippy, as the cutscene sequence posted by Kevin Bayliss shows Slippy beaming Fox the projectile upgrade in Warlock Mountain (in the final game, Fox unlocks this ability, now known as "Fire Blast", after landing in ThornTail Hollow and acquiring Krystal's staff, then finding the nearby magic cave), which would become Krazoa Palace in the final game.
person Dinoman96 calendar_month December 6, 2023
List of spells in Dinosaur Planet:

Dinosaur Planet Mind Read Spell:

Randorn giving Krystal the projectile spell page in Dinosaur Planet:

BoneHead giving Krystal the Disguise spell page in Dinosaur Planet:

Earlier SFA cutscene sequence list from Kev Bayliss' twitter:

Fox acquiring the Fire Blast ability in Star Fox Adventures:

Slippy granting Fox the SharpClaw disguise ability in Star Fox Adventures:
Just Dance 2023 Edition
Just Dance 2023 Edition is notable for being the first game in the series' 14-year history to feature a story mode, titled "Enter the Danceverses". When asked during a discussion panel with Ubisoft Paris, the game's content director Franck Chapelat stated that they added the story mode because they "wanted to make a link between reality and the Just Dance universe."
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month December 5, 2023
Star Fox Adventures
subdirectory_arrow_right Dinosaur Planet (Game)
Attachment The original Dinosaur Planet was supposed to have six total SpellStones for Sabre and Krystal to collect, three for each. After collecting one of these SpellStones (typically after defeating a boss), they'd have to trek back to their respective Force Point Temple, with Sabre's being the Volcano Force Point Temple and Krystal's being the Desert Force Point Temple, and deposit it there, in order to stop Drakor and General Scales from extracting any more of Dinosaur Planet's magic energy into the Kamerian Heart.

In the final Star Fox Adventures, this was reduced to four SpellStones for Fox to collect, two for each Force Point Temple. While the Volcano Force Point was brought in mostly in-tact from Dinosaur Planet, the Desert Force Point was reworked into the Ocean Force Point Temple, retaining most of the same layout and puzzles, but eschewing the industrial or technological aesthetic in favor of a underwater ruins theme.

One notable difference between the Desert Force Point and the Ocean Force Point is that in the former, Krystal uses an elevator to descend deeper into the temple, whereas in the latter, Fox just simply uses a teleporter to access the lower levels. The E3 2002 Star Fox Adventures kiosk reveals that Rare had still intended on using an elevator to connect the lower and upper portions of the Ocean Force Point like its Dinosaur Planet equivalent, but this was scrapped in the final game.

The music that currently plays in the Ocean Force Point Temple is the track that was intended for the Golden Plains, a desert area in Dinosaur Planet that Krystal would have to trek through in order to access the Desert Force Point Temple. This area was removed in the final Star Fox Adventures, and Fox now accesses the Ocean Force Point Temple through Cape Claw.
person Dinoman96 calendar_month December 5, 2023
Desert Force Point Temple in Dinosaur Planet:

Ocean Force Point Temple in Star Fox Adventures:

Ocean Force Point Temple in the E3 2002 kiosk version of SFA, showing the cut elevator sequence:

Golden Plains theme from DP, now the OFPT theme in SFA:
Ys vs. Trails in the Sky: Alternative Saga
According to Toshihiro Kondo during an interview in Issue #459 of Dengeki PlayStation Magazine, Ys vs. Trails in the Sky was made because Nihon Falcom wished to make use of the PlayStation Portable's wireless ad hoc local multiplayer function, which they had been unable to work into their JRPG titles. They also felt that while both Trails and Ys were JRPGs, both series had many themes related to battle and conflict, lending them a natural transition into a fighting game.
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month December 5, 2023
Archived blog post regarding the interview:

Siliconera article about game announcement in Dengeki PlayStation Magazine:

Dengeki PlayStation Magazine Issue #459 (November 27, 2009) table of contents scan:
Ys IV: The Dawn of Ys
subdirectory_arrow_right Ys: Memories of Celceta (Game), Ys IV: Mask of the Sun (Game)
There are two official Ys games released under the name "Ys IV": Mask of the Sun, made by Tonkin House, and The Dawn of Ys, made by Hudson Soft. While both games share the same setting, Hudson Soft took more creative liberties with The Dawn of Ys' presentation, resulting in two different games. Originally, The Dawn of Ys was the canonical version of Ys IV. This was changed following the release of Ys Vi: The Ark of Napishtim, wherein Mask of the Sun became the canon version. Years later, however, both versions would be rendered non-canon with the release of Ys: Memories of Celceta, which is not only also considered "Ys IV", but was actually made by series creators Nihon Falcom.
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month December 4, 2023
Ys IX: Monstrum Nox
Ys IX: Monstrum Nox was originally teased as "Project N.O.X." prior to its official reveal. Toshihiro Kondo, president of Nihon Falcom, wanted the next Ys game to lean more towards the adventure genre, similar to the sections of Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana where the player plays as Dana. He also mentioned that he wanted to take the new axis of direction/movement introduced in Ys VIII to the next level (i.e. an air dash or a hook shot).
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month December 4, 2023
Mario Lemieux Hockey
subdirectory_arrow_right Atari Lynx (Platform), Atari Corporation (Company)
Atari Corporation wanted to license out the likeness of hockey player Mario Lemieux for a Lynx game that would've been titled "Super Mario Hockey" as a jab at Nintendo and their Super Mario franchise disguised as a reference to Lemieux's nickname. The game was never made, but eventually Lemieux's likeness would be licensed out to Sega for a 1991 hockey game.
Hyperdimension Neptunia
subdirectory_arrow_right Hyperdimension Neptunia (Franchise)
Attachment Compa and IF are named and designed after the game's developer Compile Heart and the publisher Idea Factory respectively. Both characters prominently feature design elements from the logo of their respective company (i.e. Compa's Purse, IF's Buckle).
Hyperdimension Neptunia
subdirectory_arrow_right Hyperdimension Neptunia (Franchise)
The Four CPU goddesses, and the lands they hail from in Gamindustri, are designed and named after consoles from the video game industry:

Neptune (Purple Heart) / Planeptune - The unreleased Sega Neptune. A two-in-one Sega Mega Drive and Sega 32X hybrid.

Noire (Black Heart) / Lastation - Sony's PlayStation 3. Her name is French for the color black.

Vert (Green Heart) / Leanbox - Microsoft's Xbox 360. Her name is French for the color green.

Blanc (White Heart) / Lowee - Nintendo Wii. Her name is French for the color white.
person DrakeVagabond calendar_month December 4, 2023
Mizuno Naoko interview confirming the console war inspiration and Neptune being based on the Sega Neptune:

General facts article detailing other references:
Attachment Lanolin the Sheep, a character introduced in IDW's Sonic the Hedgehog comics, was created by artist Adam Bryce Thomas as a background character in Issue #2. He would continue drawing Lanolin in subsequent issues he illustrated for, often with a new look. Comic writer Ian Flynn would eventually confirm her name on Twitter. She even appeared in an early draft of Issue #30's A cover (drawn by Thomas), but was edited out in the final version. Starting with Issue #57, Lanolin began to have a supporting role in story arcs: according to Ian, this is due to how her appearances had evolved to the point of gaining a role in the story, and her increase in prominence led to a more developed personality. By her own admission in Issue #58, she is "bossy and inexperienced", being rather new to her role as a leader. Despite this, some fans have criticized the character for having a tendency to act as if she is just as experienced as her peers (i.e. critiquing Silver in Issue #63 despite having no experience with psychokinesis, and her interactions with Tangle in Issue #62 giving the impression that she had a genuine problem with her, despite the scene's comedic nature). This has resulted in comparisons to Sally Acorn, a character from the 1993 "Sonic the Hedgehog" cartoon who was a main character throughout the Archie Sonic comics, due to their status as no-nonsense leaders able to keep even Sonic in line. These similarities also led some fans (particularly those who don't like Flynn's writing) to accuse that Lanolin was an attempt to replace her despite having gone on record stating that he wanted to incorporate Sally and the Freedom Fighters into the IDW comics.
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month December 4, 2023
Dragon's Dogma II
In an 2023 interview with Capcom producer Yoshiaki Hirabayashi at that year's Tokyo Game Show, he was asked why it took over a decade for a sequel to Dragon's Dogma to be made and if there was a driving factor to getting Dragon’s Dogma II made? He responded:

"Dragon’s Dogma is a really valuable IP to us. We knew we wanted to make a sequel at an early stage, but there wasn’t really one particular thing that just changed from no to a green light. It was more that we needed a lot of things to fall into place.

First and foremost, if Itsuno-san doesn’t have time to be the director of the game, it can’t really get made. So having an opportunity to have him spend the time he needed on the game and being able to bring together the other resources needed, such as a large team to work on a game with this scope, just took some years for that all to really fit together. And then once it did, we got started."
Yakuza: Like a Dragon
Attachment Eri Kamataki, who appears as a party member in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, was modelled and named after a real-life actress by the same name. The real Eri Kamataki (entrant no. 7) won a contest of more than 1000 entrants to appear as "Ichiban's female co-star" and so appeared as a playable character in the game.
person Kirby Inhales Jotaro calendar_month December 3, 2023
Attachment The Summer Skye skin is based on "Ava", a fan-made concept by artist NolloBandz. Ava was created as a tribute to other fan-made concepts that were added to the game, including but not limited to:

• Aura's coin pouch and Pinkie's mask (both characters made by artist Fantasyfull).
• Rapscallion's striped sleeve (made by artist RexSadio).
• Dark Rex's sleeve (another character made by NolloBandz).
• Boxy's cardboard parts, Angler fish tattoo, and Cozy Chomps' shark slippers (both characters made by artist sharktoofs1 who would later design some official Fortnite skins).
• Meowscles, which is an exception to the fan-made content in the design; he is actually an original creation by Epic Games, although he is based on a different fan concept by RexSadio.

The remaining confirmed fan community references as described in the original Ava artwork Reddit thread whose creators are currently unidentified in this submission are as follows:

• Kneecaps-the box guys
• Gold sack and the small gold patch on the pants-aura and guild
• Minty stuff
• Tender defender on the shield
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month December 3, 2023
Disney's Animated Storybook: Toy Story
subdirectory_arrow_right Toy Story Activity Center (Game), Toy Story (Franchise), Pixar (Collection), Disney's Animated Storybook (Collection)
Disney's Animated Storybook: Toy Story and Toy Story Activity Center were developed by a devision of Pixar known as the Interactive Products Group, which exclusively made video game content. The division was closed down when the Toy Story 2 movie entered production, and merged into Pixar's main movie animation staff, as the animators behind the first film were working on A Bug's Life and the IPG had already proved itself by making as many frames of animation for their games as there was in the first Toy Story, with a near-identical quality. Due to the shuttering of the IPG, later Pixar PC games using pre-rendered graphics, such as A Bug's Life Activity Center and Monsters, Inc. Scream Team Training, would have significantly lower quality animation than the movies, and Toy Story would be the only Pixar film to have an Animated Storybook based on it.
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Attachment Early designs of the Toadies in the ys_romX_0 prototype of the game show that they originally resembled Snifits.
person CuriousUserX90 calendar_month December 2, 2023
Plumbers Don't Wear Ties
In a promotional video by Limited Run Games for the game's re-release on modern consoles, various staff members noted how difficult it is to give people a reason to buy what is considered one of the worst video games ever made. To that end, they wished to help "re-contextualize" the game, making it available to a modern audience in order to satiate their inherent curiosity about the game. They also argued that the game was historically important, due to representing "something that was really unusual for the console space".

It was also noted that there was a strong argument that the preservation of the worst games ever made was just as important as the best games ever made, with the more "experimental" efforts being more interesting to look back on than something that was good. The game is noted to give a "slice of life" of what the game market was like at the time, being described as a "time capsule" of the era.
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