Trivia Browser



The Atari Jaguar version of Rayman contains many messages for developers' family and friends that can be seen by using specific passwords, some written in French while others are written in English. Some notable ones include:

[translated from French]:
The Jaguar is my friend, and so is Rayman, so let them live!!

[translated from French]:
The world is kind
Bettina is kind
Fred and Fred are very kind
Mom is kind
Sophie is very kind
Eric is very kind
Rayman too is very kind
Everyone on Rayman [the development team] is very kind.
Oliver, Jean Christophe and Michel are very kind
Signed: Bettina!!

[translated from French]:
You see I can break your spine in two with this fist of mine!!!
Signed: Serge H

[written in English]:
I wanted to thanks[sic]: Konami and Nintendo for the great games they made!!!

[translated from French]:
For Sale: Ascona (19XX) in wreck state
Signed: Jean Marc G

[translated from French]:
A beer... Gimme a beer, d'ooh... Everyone, let's go to Euro Disney!!!!!!!
Signed: Bruno B
Mr. Blobby
Amiga games are infamous for containing rude and sometimes violent messages in their code aimed at pirates (or "crackers"). Mr. Blobby serves as an exception to this, instead containing a tongue in-cheek message seemingly encouraging the practice of putting "cracktro" opening titles before pirated games:

"Space To Let - Sectors Are Free For Your Intro!"
Garfield Kart: Furious Racing
If a player beats a Garfield Kart: Furious Racing time trial in less than 40 seconds - something believed to be impossible without cheating - this message will appear:

"You cheated not only the game, but yourself.

You didn't grow.

You didn't improve.

You took a shortcut and gained nothing.

You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference."

The text is lifted from a tweet by user @Fetusberry about a PC Gamer article on beating Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice with cheats.
person Rocko & Heffer calendar_month November 5, 2023
According to Raww Le Klueze, global admin of the Suikosource forums, there is a hidden marriage proposal spoken by The Castle Keeper zombie in Neclord's castle that can be found in the game's files in ve3.bin and ve6.bin. There is no known way to access it in-game. Translated to English, it reads:

I really love Kazuko
Even after 10 years
Even after 20 years
Even after 50 years
I will always, always love her.
Thank you for always being there.
for always supporting me!
Let's get married!

It's unknown who Kazuko is or who wrote this proposal. This text is only believed to be present in the Japanese version of the game, with the North American version replacing it with a repeat of some past dialogue with the zombie before ending with the "Mwah!" replaced with a single "Yuk.".
According to Raww Le Klueze, global admin of the Suikosource forums, there is a secret 10th Old Book. There is no known button combination to access it, and acts more like a hidden programmer message with only one page. Translated to English, it reads:

"Nomo Hideo"

Congratulations on
starting the Major
League Baseball
All-Stars Game!"

Hideo Nomo was a Japanese baseball player and a starter in the 1995 Major League All-Stars game in the United States - the same year Suikoden was released in Japan - and is known as the first Japanese citizen to join an American major league team after having played professionally in Japanese major leagues.
Attachment After recruiting Hugo, you can give him your Old Books and read them in the Castle's library on the third floor. In the Japanese version of the game, while reading these books, dataminers years ago found that a seemingly unused crudely-drawn sketch of the game's cover artwork was loaded into the VRAM. In reality, this sketch was not unused, but was actually part of an obscure Easter egg: a secret 9th Old Book. While highlighting the 8th Old Book titled "The Kalekka Incident", press Square, Circle, Triangle, and Cross at the same time. This will unlock the hidden 9th volume entitled "Hirotaka Development Diary" (presumably referring to the game's producer Hirotaka Ishikawa). A very rough English translation of the book's first four pages can be seen below:

- Pages 1 & 2 -
(About the library)

"The Game Master used a ”Please/Favor Card”.

Thus my daily assistance began.

July 10th (Mon)

Made the BG graphics.

July 11th (Tue)

Made the page graphics.

July 12th (Wed)

Entered the text.

- Pages 3 & 4 -
(About the mural)

The Game Master gave me the next job.

July 13th (Thu)

Made the images for the pieces.

Didn't have time so had to finish in one day.

(About the Stone Monument)

July 17th (Mon) – July 21st (Fri)

It was difficult because it doesn't have a face.

(About the Bath)

July 24th (Mon) – July 29th (Sat)

I want to have a bath too!"

The last two pages of the developer diary featured the crude sketch of the game's cover art alongside a request to mail in your opinions on the game to a listed address that is presumably somewhere in Kanda-Jinbōchō in Tokyo (Note: this full page has not been translated). It's not known if this secret is in the Sega Saturn version of the game, but it is confirmed to work on the PlayStation Portable port, Genso Suikoden I & II. However, this port has the last two pages (including the sketch of the cover art and request for opinions) removed, reducing it to four pages instead of six.
person Jom12 calendar_month November 4, 2023
Suikosource threads about this secret:

Suikoden Japanese version - Hirotaka Development Diary:

The Spriter's Resource unused graphic rip (originally submitted by Dazz):
Alex Kidd in Miracle World
In the Japanese version of Alex Kidd in Miracle World, there is a heartfelt secret message accessible by holding Button 1 on controller 2, and then Button 2 or 1 on controller 1 on the ending screen:

"うまれくる こどもが アレクのように あいとゆうき
をもつ つよいこでありますように こういちとえみに こ
のおはなしを ささげます。
 そして アレクをあいする すべての ひとが いつま
でも こうふくで ありますように アレクとともに い
  バイ          こうたろう
   よーこ まちるだ   りえ わかしまづ
   パパ こういち    とく
   いじめっこ かおり  いじめられっこ とし"

In English, this reads:
"We dedicate this story to Kōichi and Emi. May children yet to be born be strong, and have love and bravery like Alex.
And we, together with Alex, hope that all who love him may be forever happy.
Yōko Matilda
Rie Wakashimazu
Papa Kōichi
Kaori the Bully
Toshi the Bullied"
Daze Before Christmas
Inside the code for the SNES version of Daze Before Christmas are a set of mostly Christmas-related quotes and messages:

Any dramatic game the producers want us to take seriously as a
representation of contemporary reality cannot be taken seriously as a
representation of anything -- except a game to be ignored by anyone
capable of sitting upright in a chair and chewing gum simultaneously.
-- Richard Schickel (slightly modified)

... Now you're ready for the actual shopping. Your goal should be to
get it over with as quickly as possible, because the longer you stay in
the mall, the longer your children will have to listen to holiday songs
on the mall public-address system, and many of these songs can damage
children emotionally. For example: "Frosty the Snowman" is about a
snowman who befriends some children, plays with them until they learn
to love him, then melts. And "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" is about
a young reindeer who, because of a physical deformity, is treated as an
outcast by the other reindeer. Then along comes good, old Santa. Does
he ignore the deformity? Does he look past Rudolph's nose and respect
Rudolph for the sensitive reindeer he is underneath? No. Santa asks
Rudolph to guide his sleigh, as if Rudolph were nothing more than some
kind of headlight with legs and a tail. So unless you want your
children exposed to this kind of insensitivity, you should shop
quickly. -- Dave Barry, "Christmas Shopping: A Survivor's Guide"

I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to
see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph. -- Shirley Temple
Within the game is a series of hidden developer messages. The first one, which reads "PRESS CTRL-Z DURING THE CARTOONS," is accessible by enabling joystick mode and pressing button 1 after navigating the joystick cursor to the bottom-left of the title screen. If the player complies with the message and presses Ctrl-Z during the game's cutscenes, they'll be given different fragments of a cipher message; piecing them together and decoding them reveals the sentence "ENTER THREE LETTER CODE WHEN YOU RETIRE." Likewise, pressing Ctrl-Z while the game displays the cipher fragments brings up the phrase "DOUBLE HELIX," alluding to the shape of a DNA molecule. Accordingly, if the player types "DNA" on the retirement screen that appears after beating the game, they will receive a congratulatory message from programmer Robert Cook.

The complicated nature of this Easter egg resulted in it going undiscovered until 2016, when game preservationist 4a.m. tried cracking the ROM's atypically complex antipiracy protections while attempting to preserve as many Apple II games online as possible. Cook sent 4a.m. a congratulatory message on Twitter after discovering the secret, jokingly stating that "I assumed it would take a thousand, but you solved it in a mere 33 years."
person VinchVolt calendar_month October 17, 2023
The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland
Attachment In the European version of The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland for Game Boy Color, there is a friendly message to hackers:

Hello There Pilgrim...

If you have hacked this ROM, you no doubt are reading
this text. This game is basically a 2 Meg. Game. However,
Nintendo, in their infinite wisdom, has decreed that the
smallest ROM they will produce for the Gameboy Color is
8 Meg. -- Now, what to put in that empty 6 Meg.? So, the
developers of the game decided to put .GIF pictures of
themselves into the game. Why not? Might as well fill the
void with something entertaining. See if you can retrieve
them from this ROM. If you do, you win the prize. Please
call (609) 466-2092 (in New Jersey, USA) if you have been
able to view the two .GIF pictures, located in the rest of
the upper 6 Megs of this ROM. We will have a nice reward
for you...

Good Luck!

Roger W. Amidon
September 28, 2000

The described graphics do indeed exist within the game code. It is unknown who the first person to discover the images were, or if and how they were rewarded. Sadly, Roger W. Amidon has since passed away.
M.U.G.E.N. is an acronym for something, but according to Elecbyte, they forgot what that was.
Courage the Cowardly Dog: Creep TV
Courage the Cowardly Dog: Creep TV has secret codes and maps that went undiscovered until 20 years after its release due to a glitch making them inaccessible. The codes include the "daScore" code, which shows a counter of how many ghosts you've zapped, and the "mirage" code, which expands the game map infinitely and allows access to the secret maps. On one of these maps, you can acquire a pair of glasses as an unused item, and another map containing an oasis in the Middle of Nowhere that also has a sign simply reading Eustace's catchphrase, "STUPID DOG!". However, if you use the glasses to read the sign, it will instead say "Wee...amazing! You found it! GOOD DOG!"
Within the game's code is a commented-out test string transcribing the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise, a monologue by Chancellor Sheev Palpatine from the 2005 film Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith; the monologue previously became a popular copypasta in the late 2010s, midway through the game's development. By nature, this text cannot be seen in the normal course of play and is only visible through observing the game's data.
Crazy Taxi
subdirectory_arrow_right Dreamcast (Platform)
Attachment In the 1999 Sega Dreamcast commercial for Crazy Taxi, the DMV features the address number 666 (the Number of the beast) in reference to common complaints about long wait times and poor service at DMVs.
Chicken Run
subdirectory_arrow_right Chicken Run (Game)
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Sonic Robo Blast 2
Attachment In Greenflower Zone Act 1, there is a house in the upper section of the level next to a lake. If the player has all 200 Emblems, this house will have a note on it thanking the player for keeping the game alive.

This house belongs to the in-universe persona of RedXVI, an old member of the Sonic fangame community who had significant influence over Sonic Robo Blast 2's development.

The location of this note is a reference to Version 1.09 of the game, where an Easter egg was hidden on the very same house. In this version, jumping on the house would cause RedXVI to come out and send the player to an early work-in-progress version of Red Volcano Zone Act 1 if the player jumped on the house repeatedly after beating the game three times.
person Cirom calendar_month September 11, 2023
Sonic Robo Blast 2 - Creepy House:

Sonic Robo Blast 2 wiki page:
Super NES Classic Edition
The nandb:usretc folder's "nineties" file contains a secret message from the developers:

"Enjoy this Mini,
Disconnect from the present, and
Go back to the nineties."
Attachment The board for Pac-Man contains a DIP switch titled "Alternate Ghost Names", which in the Japanese release contained early English names for the ghosts:

• Urchin "Macky" (Shadow "Blinky")
• Romp "Micky" (Speedy "Pinky")
• Stylist "Mucky" (Bashful "Inky")
• Crybaby "Mocky" (Pokey "Clyde")

In the US release, these names were dummied out and replaced with strings of the first 8 letters of the Latin alphabet.
Attachment When the Street Fighter skin set was released for Fortnite, a back bling of an arcade machine was released that would show attract mode footage from Street Fighter II. Coinciding with this, a texture was found in the data, under the name "FrenchFry" showing animation from Family Guy in a similar format. While many believed this confirmed that Peter Griffin was planned to be featured in the game alongside a back bling that would show Family Guy clips, it was later stated by a reputable Fortnite leaker named FNBRUnreleased that the Family Guy content could've only been added for one of two reasons: to annoy dataminers, or to internally test the Street Fighter graphics in a humorous way.

Griffin would eventually be added to Fortnite in Chapter 5. To coincide with his addition, a video titled "Peter Griffin Seeks Fitness Advice From Meowscles" was released: animated in the same style as "Family Guy", it features Griffin getting a fitness exam from Fortnite character Meowscles, ending with him drinking an expired bottle of Slurp Juice in order to become "swole", explaining his design in the game. The expiration date on the Slurp Juice is a reference to the date when the leak originally happened, and the trailer also used the leaked back bling. Despite appearing to be animated by Family Guy's animation department, the video noticeably does not feature any spoken dialogue, or voice acting by Family Guy creator and Griffin's voice actor Seth MacFarlane.
person Rocko & Heffer calendar_month September 6, 2023
Gremlins Unleashed
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