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person chocolatejr9 calendar_month November 24, 2023
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On May 23, 2022, it was announced that Valentine was receiving another design update that would incorporate pink shurikens that replaces the original cross. Not only will this affect Valentine's original sprite animations for both the console/PC and mobile versions of the game, but also any story mode art as well as other art pieces included in the Digital Art Compendium.
Valentine's design was officially changed on May 13th, 2014 via a patch update. The update changed all parts of her design that involve a red cross against a white background to be altered so the cross is colored pink instead. This was done in order to prevent legal action by the International Committee of the Red Cross.
Attachment Within the data for Chapter 2 is a placeholder graphic for Queen's arcade cabinet that depicts it with green paneling and the word "XBOX" crudely written on the marquee. Despite the fact that it was never intended to be featured in the normal course of play, the sprite was altered in the version 1.06 update to remove the "XBOX" text, presumably to avoid potential trademark issues.
subdirectory_arrow_right Epic Games (Company)
In May 2024, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) fined Epic Games €1,125,000 for using "unfair commercial practices" aimed at children in Fortnite. The investigation found that Epic Games "exploited [the] vulnerabilities" of children through design choices in the game's Item Shop. Examples include the use of demanding phrases like "get it now" or "buy now" on certain advertisements, which the ACM deemed an "illegal aggressive commercial practice", as well as countdown timers that were used on some ads for items still available in the shop after the countdown ended, exploiting a fear of missing out by making items that were still available for sale falsely seem scarce. Epic Games immediately made changes to the game in response to this report, including removing countdown timers worldwide and adding time indicators for shop refreshes and item removal dates. As of May 24, 2024, players under 18 years of age in the Netherlands can only see items available for 48 hours or more in the store. However, the company still planned to appeal the decision, claiming that the ACM's findings contain factual errors about how Fortnite and the Item Shop operate.
Crow Country
The first small patch for Crow Country released on May 10th, 2024 merely states "Fixed xenophobic mushroom boys. Ask me about it some time." Tom Vian, technical director at SFB Games, elaborated on this in a Twitter thread stating a bug had been reported through the Steam forums regarding the "mushroom boys" found throughout the game. As it turned out, the config settings regarding the mushroom boys' trigger distance had been stored as text, with said distances using fractional values. This caused issues regarding the computer's native regional style. For example, a French computer would read a "0.4" value as simply "0", making the trigger range impossible to enter. Similarly, a German computer would turn the value into "4", meaning the trigger range could reach halfway across the room. The glitch was fixed by updating the game so that it only used the United Kingdom's configuration settings, as this was how the devs' settings were written, and was why the glitch was never encountered during playtesting (the playtesters were mostly from the UK aside from a few US playtesters).
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month May 15, 2024
Yume Nikki
Attachment The Dragon Quest-esque overworld area, colloquially known as FC World, features a large island on the right-hand side of the map that is not accessible during the normal course of play despite taking up the majority of FC World's land mass. No events or exits are associated with this island, popularly known as FC World C, meaning that hacking the game to place Madotsuki there would prove fruitless.

Despite this, there is evidence that this area was meant to be explorable at one point in development. In the Version 0.09 build (the last one before the "final" Version 0.10 release in 2007), the Dense Woods and Windmill World areas feature the player character from the minigame NASU as an NPC; however, a flag is set to render it invisible (and therefore non-interactable). If the player uses RPG Maker 2003's debugging tools to render the character visible, interacting with it teleports Madotsuki to another unused area in FC World, a small island with four statues on it and an exit at the bottom. Going through this exit takes Madotsuki to FC World C.

While FC World C is still as barren as in other versions of the game, the unused chain of events leading up to it in Version 0.09 indicates that the area was intended to play some kind of role in the final game and that Kikiyama continued to try implementing it late into the game's update history.
person VinchVolt calendar_month May 6, 2024
Stellar Blade
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person chocolatejr9 calendar_month April 27, 2024
Sexualization complaints:

South Korean rating:

Design choice quote:

Day 1 patch censorship:

Compilation of outfits in base game before Day 1 patch (uncensored versions of Cybernetic Bondage at 2:30, and Holiday Rabbit at 4:52):

Compilation of outfits after Day 1 patch (censored versions of Cybernetic Bondage at 1:03, Holiday Rabbit at 2:19, and Moutan Peony at 3:02):

Nano Suit tutorial pop-up montage with uncensored Moutan Peony costume (this is the only footage I could find of anyone sitting through this video start to finish):

Stellar Blade uncensored claim tweet:

Video of Hyung-Tae Kim defending update changes:

GameAbout interview with Kim (article in Korean):

Holiday Rabbit and Cybernetic Bondage costume reversal:

IGN interview with Yoko Taro and Kim:
Stellar Blade
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person MehDeletingLater calendar_month April 24, 2024
The Police Mystery
Following the scene where Diane Spoiler:is crushed by Lin, who found out she was a dirty cop, the player is given a dialogue prompt that can lead to a bad ending with two possible death scenes. Originally, it was not possible to trigger the bad ending after finishing the scene, but on February 26, 2024, a series of updates was released (versions 7.0.4 to 7.0.7), each one claiming to have made it possible to obtain the bad ending by talking to Lin again after the scene occurs. Exactly which one made it possible is unknown, as each of the version updates have the exact same description regarding the addition.
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month April 22, 2024
subdirectory_arrow_right Nintendo Switch (Platform)
Within the Nintendo Switch firmware prior to Version 4.0.0 (for Japanese, US and European systems only), there is a hidden NES emulator stub called "flog" that can be unlocked under very specific conditions. flog can only be unlocked on the Home Screen and when the console's internal clock is set to July 11th (if the date is changed in System Settings, but the console is connected to the internet and can see the actual date, this method will not work). The method to unlock it involves detaching the Joy-Cons from the console, holding them pointing forwards/downwards, then moving them to a vertical position and holding it for a few seconds. This gesture may take some time to hone due to it being a specific movement tracked by the Joy-Cons, but when it is matched, the system will check to see if flog is installed. When checked, an audio clip of a man saying "chokusetsu" ("直接"), the Japanese word for "direct", will play and the screen will cut to black and launch the 1984 NES title Golf. This emulator is unique in that it includes specific instructions in English and Japanese on how to play depending on how the Joy-Cons are held, and has a more stripped-down and simplistic appearance than the emulators that would be used for NES games on Nintendo Switch Online. Pressing the Home button while playing Golf will return you to the Home Screen without any visible software running there.

With Version 4.0.0, Nintendo removed all of the code required to launch flog and play Golf, but the company seemed unusually hesitant to even acknowledge its existence when asked by news outlets. One month before its removal, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Amie released two statements regarding it when asked by Kotaku:

"So, two comments on this. It was identified by folks playing around in the firmware. We've got nothing officially to announce for that content or what the plans are for that content. So that's that. Certainly anything that pays respect to my friend Mr. Iwata is something that is near and dear to me personally, but in terms of that execution and what it was meant to do or what the plans are, we've got nothing to announce."

"I'm struck whenever I go back to Kyoto and spend time in our headquarters and spend time in the offices where Mr. Iwata, myself and others would be meeting. It's always personally touching. And so, again, no comment on that particular execution."

While this seems to allude that the secret emulator and Golf's inclusion were not authorized within Nintendo, this all but confirms that their purpose was to act as a tribute to Nintendo's late CEO Satoru Iwata. Iwata, who programmed Golf and previously hosted the company's Nintendo Direct showcase series, passed away on July 11th, 2015, with the method to unlock the emulator mimicking a gesture he used during Nintendo Directs. Japanese fans on social media referred to the Easter egg as an "omamori", an amulet purchased at Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples in Japan that if kept close are said to protect the bearer and bring good luck, speculating that Golf was included by Iwata as a secret charm to watch over every Nintendo Switch unit after his death.
person MehDeletingLater calendar_month April 20, 2024
subdirectory_arrow_right Sound Voltex III: Gravity Wars (Game)
The song "Red and Blue" was originally composed by Silentroom, then known under the alias "Polycube" for Sound Voltex III: Gravity War's "The First VOLTEX Character Theme Song Contest" in 2014. However, the song was unable to be submitted due to missing the deadline. It was later added and repurposed for Arcaea in the 1.5.0 update.
person aa1205 calendar_month March 21, 2024
Video interview with Silentroom verifying this information:

Arcaea Fandom wiki page:
Pizza Tower
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person Rocko & Heffer calendar_month March 12, 2024
In the v. patch released at the end of February 2024, there were alterations made that were not listed in the patch notes, primarily involving censoring profanities and slurs. These changes apply even in single-player mode, where while players can still name things whatever they want, offensive words and names are replaced with asterisks. These changes were most likely made due to Palworld developer Pocket Pair's partnership with Microsoft, who agreed earlier that month to help develop the Xbox releases of the game and possibly the Steam version as well. Unlike Steam however, Xbox has very strict guidelines on what can and can't be said like other console platforms, suggesting that Pocket Pair was catering to Microsoft with this censorship, although neither company officially commented on these changes. While some players understand the need for such measures, others criticized the restrictions and advocated for optional toggles to allow individual customization.
person ProtoSnake calendar_month March 4, 2024
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Attachment When he was first released as DLC, General Winter's All-Star move effects had communist motifs. However, following complaints from the Russian populace about the portrayal of the USSR military as under-equipped in his source game Company of Heroes 2, and a voluntary recall of said game from Sega in that region, an update in 2013 would replace the hammer & sickle with a generic red star in all regions.
person Rocko & Heffer calendar_month February 19, 2024
Postal III
On January 29, 2024, the Steam version of Postal III received a large content update adding various features and improvements originally made by the developers of the Zoom Platform version of the game as well as fixes and content by the series' fan community. The update notably included streamlined mod support, a high quality release of the official soundtrack, several bug and graphical fixes pointed out and contributed by players, updated versions of the game's official German and Japanese localizations, three new localizations in Portuguese/Brazilian, French and Polish translated by fans, and worldwide access to the previously Russian-only Fart Gun DLC.
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl
Attachment In the pre-day 1 patch version of Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl, Toph had a different taunt, where she raises her arms in the air. After the patch, this was changed to her waving her hand in front of one of her eyes.
The Getaway
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person ProtoSnake calendar_month January 24, 2024
Pizza Tower
Attachment When replaying through an already-completed save file, one can change the Peppino's Final Judgement ranking screen. This was not always the case, as originally attempting to change the judgement would show a screen of an ominous Peppino, drawn with details than his sprites but less detailed than his battle introduction portraits, with the caption "THE JUDGEMENT WAS FINAL. PLEASE TRY A NEW SAVE FILE." This screen would eventually be implemented in the Halloween update, albeit without its text, when one attempts to exit a newly introduced bonus level through the ghost transformation.
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