Trivia Browser



The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
The DLC Expansion for Skyrim, "Dragonborn", contains many of the music tracks that were previously found in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. This is fitting, seeing as the game is set on the island of Solstheim, in close proximity to the Morrowind region of Tamriel.
Attachment The Triforce was most likely based on the Mitsuuroko (or "The Three Scales"), the real life symbol of the Hōjō Clan who took control of Japan in the 13th century. Considering the prominence of Christian symbolism in the first two games in the series, the Triforce has also been theorized to symbolize the Christian doctrine of the Trinity defining God as the Father (Triforce of Power), the Son (Triforce of Courage), and Holy Spirit (Triforce of Wisdom).
person gamemaster1991 calendar_month March 24, 2013
Kotaku article:

Video analyzing possible Christian influences in Triforce design [link provided by CuriousUserX90]:
Super Mario Galaxy
Attachment There is a planetoid in the Space Junk Galaxy that looks a lot like the ship from Pikmin 2.
Kingdom Hearts
Attachment Rikku was going to have a major role in the first game. She was going to be a part of Leon's group in Traverse Town and help Sora throughout the game. She was removed because of the similarly-named character Riku, and was replaced with Yuffie. She later appeared with the rest of the Gullwings in Kingdom Hearts II.
Sonic Unleashed
Attachment In Eggmanland, there are three robots whose names represent a console and a year that a Sonic game came out. These are EF-MD1991 (Mega Drive/Genesis and Sonic the Hedgehog), EF-DC1998 (Dreamcast and Sonic Adventure), and EF-XB2006 (Xbox and Sonic the Hedgehog 2006). To further cement this idea, MD1991 was made first while XB2006 is the youngest and is apparently clumsy, glitchy, and can't do anything right.
Sweet Home
Nobuko "Nokko" Yamada, who plays the youngest character, Emi, in the original Sweet Home movie was the lead singer in a band called Rebecca. What makes this interesting is that the game that was Sweet Home's eventual successor, Resident Evil, had its youngest character named Rebecca.
Franchise: Pokémon
Despite looking black-faced, Jynx wasn't meant to be racist. It is actually based off the Japanese Myth, Yama-Uba. Yama-Uba was described as having bright blond hair and a torn red kimono much similar to the design of Jynx.
Borderlands 2
The targets of the mission "Splinter Group" are four mutated raiders named Mick, Lee, Ralph, and Dan. This is a play off of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles named Michelangelo, Leonardo, Raphael, and Donatello. The other similarities include their hideout being in the sewers, their name "Splinter Group" after the rat master "Splinter", their surfer-like language ("dude", "brah") and their craving for pizza used to lure them out.
Franchise: Earthbound
Attachment Shigesato Itoi first founded Ape Inc., the company that worked on EarthBound's predecessor Mother / EarthBound: Beginnings. Ape Inc. later reformed as Creatures Inc. with the help of Satoru Iwata. Ape Inc. worked on EarthBound, and later helped Game Freak develop the Pokémon series as the reformed Creatures Inc. Their influence can be seen in Pokémon. The main villain in Mother, Giygas, has a battle sprite that resembles Mewtwo. He also has a mental power called PSI. Additionally, there's an item in EarthBound called "Bag of Dragonite." There is also a Pokémon named Dragonite.
Attachment In Mother 2 (the Japanese version of EarthBound), the cultists of Happy Happyism appear with the letters HH on their forehead (for Happy Happyism). In EarthBound, a pom pom was added and the HH was removed, presumably to try to make the cultists look less like members of the Klu Klux Klan. Also, possibly because HH on an already Klan-like sprite could be construed to mean "Heil Hitler". The city "Threek" was renamed "Threed" in EarthBound. Like the cultists, this may also be to avoid any link to the Klan, as Threek could be seen as Three K's, or KKK.
Secret of Evermore
Attachment It is widely considered that the lead hero is a reference to Marty McFly from the Back to the Future series. Both characters travel through time, use the term "heavy" and wear an orange life preserver. The lead hero also has a strong interest in movies, so this is possibly a development of that characteristic.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Attachment It's speculated that the forest and water temples in Ocarina of Time were originally wind and ice temples. The symbol on the Water Medallion from the Water Temple appears to have a snowflake on it, and the Forest Medallion design resembles a fan. This connection is further supported by the interior of Ganon's Tower, which is based on different temples. The Forest Temple portion of the tower has a wind puzzle based around fans, and the Water Temple portion of the tower is based on ice.
Super Mario Bros. 2
Attachment There's a curious connection between Super Mario Bros. 2 and The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. Two characters in the games are actually the same; Mamu in Link's Awakening and Wart in Mario 2. It should be noted that Wart's Japanese name in Mario 2 is Mamu. Both games are revealed to be dream worlds at the end, with Mario 2 taking place in Subcon (short for subconscious) and Link's Awakening taking place on an island created by the Wind Fish's dreaming.
Pokémon Platinum Version
Attachment "Looker", a character who hides his real name, says that he is working to stop Team Galactic from ripping reality into pieces and creating a new world to replace our own. He wears a brown coat and a suit, and has very pointy hair. He seems very similar to "The Doctor" from "Doctor Who", who also goes around stopping galactic cataclysmic events, and never reveals his actual name. In addition, "Looker" physically resembles the tenth Doctor portrayed by David Tennant.
Pokémon Red Version
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Blue Version (Game)
There is evidence to suggest that Ditto is a failed clone of Mew. Both Pokemon are genderless, weigh the same, their base stats are exactly the same in every respect, they share almost identical colors, and they're the only two Pokemon who learn Transform naturally.

Ditto can also be found commonly in the same cave as Mewtwo, as well as the mansion on Cinnabar Island, where experiments on Mew were said to take place.
During the reboot of Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog comics, several characters and aspects adapted into the comic from the 1993 Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon (commonly referred to as "Sonic SatAM") were noticeably altered for a variety of factors:

• Ixis Naugus (referred to simply as Naugus in the show) was changed to "Walter Naugus". His species (which was never actually stated in the show, though the pre-reboot comics depicted him as a rhino-bat-lobster hybrid) was changed to that of a troll, with a tail being added to his design to help make him look as such, alongside his attire being updated to more resemble a warlock. Additionally, despite what was initially believed, the term "Ixis" was originally applied to Naugus' cartoon production materials, and was not invented by former writer Ken Penders. This meant it was still usable in the comics, and was later given to the deity worshipped by the troll species.
• Muttski was changed to "Ben "Mutt" Muttski", and was changed from a non-anthropomorphic dog to an anthropomorphic one. Notably, his new name was given in honor of Ben Hurst, the main writer of "Sonic SatAM" who sadly passed away in 2010.
• Snively Robotnik (referred to simply as Snively in the show) was changed to "Doctor Julian Snively", with his first name being a nod to "Sonic SatAM", as Dr. Robotnik's original name in the show was Julian. According to Ian Flynn, he is no longer related to Dr. Eggman in the reboot due to Sega's mandates not allowing other media to invent family members for the main "SegaSonic" cast. Ironically, while his half-sister Hope Kintobor was removed from the reboot, Snively inherited her position as G.U.N.'s R&D Specialist.
• Maximillian Acorn (referred to simply as "The King" in the show) was changed to "King Nigel Acorn". His name was most likely changed due to being coined by former writer Ken Penders. Notably, his new name, speech pattern and mannerisms are shared with Nigel Thornberry from the animated series "The Wild Thornberrys": Nigel was voiced by British actor Tim Curry, who also voiced the King in "Sonic SatAM".
• Nicole the Holo-Lynx's new backstory in the reboot has her being created by Dr. Ellidy in an attempt to digitize the consciousness of his dying daughter Nikki. This may have been loosely inspired by Ben Hurst's plans for the cancelled third season of "Sonic SatAM", where it would have been revealed that Nicole was originally a normal girl until she was tricked by Dr. Robotnik into having her entire personality transferred into a computer satellite.
• Although the Wolf Pack originated from "Sonic SatAM", the only member of the group who was not created by Ken Penders was their leader Lupe the Wolf, who also originated from the show. As such, when the comic was rebooted, she was the only member of the group to be carried over.
• Aside from King Acorn, the only parent of a "Sonic SatAM" character to make it into the reboot was Sabina, the mother of Dulcy the Dragon and herself a character from the show. However, while Ian Flynn did confirm that she was still Dulcy's mother in the reboot, she never actually appeared in the comic prior to its cancellation. Additionally, given that Dulcy refers to her with present tense, it's likely that Sabina is still alive in the reboot, whereas she had died in the original continuity.
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month January 7, 2024
Donkey Kong Country
Attachment In the episode "Never Koop a Koopa" from the animated series "The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3", King Koopa wears a red cape towards the end of the episode, giving him a passing resemblance to King K. Rool. However, this is purely coincidental, as King K. Rool debuted four years after this episode aired in 1990, and in early concept art from around this time K. Rool looked much different. Incidentally, the cartoon version of King Koopa shares K. Rool's similar habit of wearing thematic costumes, and Bowser and his Koopa Troop would take up the Kremlings' usual role of stealing Donkey Kong's banana hoard during the Subspace Emissary story mode in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
person NintendOtaku calendar_month September 12, 2023
The Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 - Never Koop a Koopa:

Early concept art of King K. Rool before Donkey Kong Country:

Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Subspace Emmisary cutscene:
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