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Platform: Nintendo Switch
Attachment The first batch of Nintendo Switch consoles suffered an issue where the left Joy-Con would frequently desync as the result of a manufacturing error. This could be remedied by placing a small square of conductive foam atop the Joy-Con's antenna traces, which would significantly reduce interference. Nintendo themselves would amend the desyncing issue in later batches of the Switch.
Red Earth
The Japanese version states that the game takes place in the year 1999 on an altered earth that is stuck in a mythological medieval fantasy state. The western translation however, states that the game takes place in 13XX.
Sonic Lost World
Originally, collecting 100 rings would not grant Sonic an extra life in the Wii U version, this was changed in Version 3.0.0
Mario Party 3
After failing an item minigame in the Japanese version, the announcer will say "Miss". But in the international versions the announcer says "Game Over". The clip itself can still be heard in the voice test option in the Sound Room.
The Goonies II
When the player meets an Eskimo in an empty room, he will say "I’m Eskimo. There’s nothing here" in the English version, while on the original Japanese release he will say "I am an Eskimo. You didn’t call for me? Oops. My mistake". This is a reference to a comedy gag created by Japanese comedian Hitoshi Ueki during a broadcast of the comedy show Shabondama Holiday.
Zero Wing
The game has 32 additional endings exclusive to the Japanese version. No official explanation has been given for the removal of these extra endings, but considering that they rely heavily on unusual speech patterns and pop culture references from the 60's and 70's, as well as the poor quality of the opening's translation (the source of the famous "all your base are belong to us" Internet meme), it's fair to assume that the localization team didn't translate the endings because it was possibly beyond their ability.
Crash Bash
In the Japanese version, a short epilogue was added for each of the characters in the credits.
Saints Row IV
Due to the game's content, it was the first game to be banned for sale in Australia after the introduction of the R18+ classification. A censored version of the game was created, removing the content that was deemed inappropriate and later approved for release by the board.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time
The credits theme is actually the song "Pizza Power!" from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Coming Out of Their Shells album.

While both versions use a remix of the song for the credits, the Arcade version also uses the original song as the intro music.
American McGee's Alice
In the console versions of the 2011 rerelease, the main menu and loading screens are rendered in 4:3, as opposed to 16:9 like the rest of the game. As such, they feature a border. This border is not featured in the PC version of the rerelease, since the main menu and loading screens are rendered in 16:9 like the rest of the game. However, the border is still in the PC version's files as "border1_left.tga".

Similarly, the console versions also feature a title screen, which goes unused in the PC version since neither the 2000 original or the 2011 version have a title screen. This is also in the PC versions files, as "title_bg.tga".
Final Fantasy VIII
According to former Square localizer Alexander O. Smith, the US localization team had to use a GameShark cheat device to view the game's text for easier translation. This was because Square's Japan headquarters didn't think to send them a copy of the game's text files.
Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight
While the original Japanese release is written around a cyborg officer called 'Kevin Striker' fighting against a breed of alien and mutant creatures, the international version changed the main character's identity and backstory from Kevin to Ken, to imply that he is the same Ken from the original Street Fighter.
The series is known as 'Muscle Bomber' in Japan.
Street Fighter II
Chun-Li originally had a back flip attack, but it was cut due to being too strong and the team not having enough time to adjust it. However, sprites for the move still exist in the game's data, and it was later implemented in SFII: Champion edition.
Red Earth
When the game was brought to the west, many characters had their names changed:

• Mukuro was renamed Kenji.
• Tabasa was renamed Tessa.
• Tao was renamed Mai-Ling.
• Secmeto was renamed Ravange.
• Nool was renamed Hydron.
• Laun was renamed Lavia.
• Jihad was renamed Blade, most likely to avoid religious controversy.
• Valdoll was renamed Scion.
American McGee's Alice
The symbols on Alice's dress have changed throughout promotional artwork and the several releases of the game.

In original promotional artwork, the symbols are the symbol of Neptune and the symbol of Jupiter. In game, the symbols are the symbol of Venus rotated 45 degrees to the left, and a sextile.

In the 2011 rerelease of the game, the symbols are the symbol of Eris, and the symbol of Jupiter. This makes the design fall in line with its appearance in the sequel, Alice: Madness Returns.

When American McGee was asked about the symbols he said "the difference in symbols might have to do with poor communication/planning and/or might have to do with the marketing department being overly sensitive about the symbols and their meanings. Too much time has passed for me to remember exactly what caused the differences."
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Attachment The emulated NES demos featured in the "Masterpiece" collection seem to run NES games at a higher quality than the actual Virtual Console versions they are promoting. This is most evident in how smooth and clear these demos look against the comparatively blurry VC ports.

This is likely due to Nintendo's improved emulation abilities rather than them purposefully trying to mislead fans, as the NES Virtual console was released very early in the Wii U's lifespan and likely used a system similar to that of the Wii.
Mortal Kombat
Attachment Data for an unfinished version of Skarlet can be found within the game's data. This version uses Jade's stance and Mileena's profile picture as placeholders, along with an additional costume not seen in both the home console or PC versions' DLC. This costume would later be made available in the PS Vita releases of the game.
Red Earth
In Japan the game was released under the name Warzard.
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