Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
March 9, 1996
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Attachment In the English version of the game, "Bahamutt" is a reference to the summonable dragon Bahamut from Square Enix's Final Fantasy series.
In the Japanese version, he is called "ドッシー" ("Dosshī"), possibly as a pun of Yoshi.
Some of the music in the game is remixed from the older Mario games. The ones that are easy to tell are;
• Mario's Pad music is a mix of the classic level music from the first Super Mario Bros. and the overworld music to Grass Land in Super Mario Bros. 3.
• The music that plays when Gaz of Rose Town plays with his Geno doll is the classic Super Mario World Athletic theme
• The Starman theme is a remix from the classic Starman theme, albeit a bit harder to hear than the original.
• The underground music is remixed from the classic Super Mario Bros. underground music.

The ones that are harder to tell are:
• The music to the opening cutscene of Princess Toadstool in the garden is actually a slowed down and shortened remix of the overworld music in World 1 - Grass Land, from the game Super Mario Bros. 3.
• Parts of Bowser's Battle theme from the beginning of the game are remixed from the music of Bowser's Fight music in Super Mario Bros. 3.
• The music in Grate Guy's Casino is remixed from the Bonus Stage music in Super Mario Bros. 3.
There are 2 alternate scenes with Peach on the tower that can only be accessed through the debug menu.
There is an unused status ailment in game. When forced to appear, it behaves similarly to the "Berserk" status effect featured in many RPGs of the time; the victim of the status effect will be uncontrollable and attack random targets until it either wears off or they fall in battle.
Attachment In the Japanese release, an enemy that looks strikingly similar to Donkey Kong named Guerilla in the English release is named ドソキーユング, or "Dosokī Yungu" when Romanized. This character's Japanese name is a joke based on the Katakana writing system, as Dosokī Yungu's Katakana is visually similar to Donkey Kong's Katakana ドンキーコング, but actually has two different, yet similar-looking characters that are swapped out to make Dosokī Yungu (the first ン is changed to ソ, and コ is changed to ユ). Just like how the enemy resembles Donkey Kong, but is not actually him, the name resembles "Donkey Kong", but is not actually read that way.

"Dosokī Yungu" itself could possibly be a reference to the 1949 film Mighty Joe Young, which was produced by the same creative team that made the 1933 film King Kong, one of the main influences for the creation of Donkey Kong.
In a 1995 Game-on! magazine interview, the game's composer Yoko Shimomura stated that she loved the music of Mario series, and that Super Mario Bros. was her first encounter of the series and video games in general. After she got the job to write the music for Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, she "let her imagination run wild" as she composed the game's music, trying to get the sounds that fit with "Mario walking around a town chatting people up, Mario sleeping, Mario just living his life…" and described the writing process as "SOOO fun!".
According to game's director Chihiro Fujioka in a 1995 Family Computer Magazine and Haou interview, he was asked about how the development of the game started. He responded:

"We started around the beginning of last year. During a business meeting with Nintendo, the topic came up of us working on something together. Nintendo has Mario, and Square has RPGs… well, why not simply stick the two together? Being entirely different things, we had no idea how this would turn out… but that’s actually what made it so exciting."

"Getting everything straight during that first phase of the development really took a long time. Mario is Nintendo’s character, so there was a lot of back and forth with them, searching for a way forward that would satisfy both Square and Nintendo. Miyamoto is also on the main team, so yeah, I mean it just took a really long time before we could get down to brass tacks."

The interviewer followed up on this, asking if Square handled the basic ideas and development, with Nintendo checking on Fujioka's work progress. He responded:

"Yeah. With regard to the graphics, Nintendo has a certain style they like. It was the kind of thing where you think you’d get it perfect, only to realize, “oh, wait, this is wrong…” Our graphics team cried a lot. (laughs)"
According to game's director Chihiro Fujioka in a 1995 Family Computer Magazine and Haou interview, he was asked if Nintendo shot down any of Square's ideas for the game, to which he responded:

"We had periodic meetings with [Shigeru] Miyamoto, and he thought the majority of our ideas were interesting. He would rarely say a certain idea was “bad”; rather, he would point out how if we changed this, or re-arranged that, it would be more interesting, and more “Mario”-like. He gave us a lot of advice like that, which we used to adjust things in the game."

"Another thing was that, before we even started making Mario RPG specifically, we had this pre-conception at Square that RPGs==weapons. As our conversations progressed with Miyamoto, however, it became clear that this would be weird for a Mario game, that it didn’t seem to fit. When we realized that, it was a huge change in the direction of the development. We had always imagined the enemies would have weapons though. One thing we did leave in was the hammer, which Miyamoto insisted on having. Personally, I think getting hit with a hammer is more painful than being cut by a sword, but… (laughs)"
When using Mallow's Psychopath move on enemies, a brief blurb representing the target's thoughts will pop up. In the Japanese release, a large number of them are references to Japanese popular culture, nodding to works such as JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Sailor Moon, Gundam, Fist of the North Star, Neon Genesis Evangelion, etc. In the English localization, most of these are either translated literally without accounting for the context, replaced with references to American popular culture (such as Madonna, Poltergeist II: The Other Side, and president Theodore Roosevelt), or otherwise completely rewritten.
Attachment In the Pipe Vault, there is a Frog Coin hidden under a small opening that Mario cannot pass through. However, if you run at the opening and press Down immediately before entering it, when Mario crouches he will slide through the opening to the other side. This is the only time a slide like this can be performed in the game.
person MehDeletingLater calendar_month February 23, 2023
Attachment On August 15, 2018, to promote the release of the upcoming film "Venom", the character designer of Super Mario RPG, Kazuyuki Kurashima, posted on Twitter a drawing of Venom alongside Belome, as both characters are known for having long tongues.
Attachment If the player tries to overwrite a different save file from the one they're currently using, the phrase "Not your last save. Save here anyway?" will pop up on the screen. If the player says no to this question 10 times and then say yes on the 11th attempt, Mario will hunch over on the save screen looking sad. Curiously if the player says no 11 times and says yes on the 12th attempt, Mario will instead have an angry appearance. Reportedly, whichever face is chosen based on if the number of times the player say no is even or odd before eventually saying yes.
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Various pop culture references that were made in the original English release of Super Mario RPG were removed in the remake:

• Mallow no longer mentions Bruce Lee prior to him and Mario going to fight Bowyer.
• Punchinello no longer references James Bond or the Thing during his boss fight.
• Mini Goomba's Thought Peek no longer references Theodore Roosevelt's aphorism "Speak softly and carry a big stick. You will go far."
• Stinger's Thought Peek no longer references the 1990 Madonna song "Vogue".
• The password clues on the Sunken Ship are no longer written by famous explorers.

Some of these references, such as the Bruce Lee reference, may be due to licensing issues.
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month November 23, 2023
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