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When Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures launched on Wii U, the Miiverse page initially allowed screenshots from the game to be posted, which led to many users using the game as a loophole to post profanity. Shortly after, the ability to post screenshots would be removed.
subdirectory_arrow_right The Flintstones: The Rescue of Dino & Hoppy (Game), Angry Video Game Nerd I & II Deluxe (Game)
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Original ScrewAttack version:
7 Grand Dad version
7 Grand Dad version

This is a reference to the NES game Ghostbusters, and the infamous ending screen which misspells congratulations the same way.

The same creature was also feature in another FreakZone game, Manos: The Hands of Fate, as a Boss named "Battleship Bird" from End Credits.
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The beginning of the Boss Battle theme sounds extremely similar to a segment of the track: "Porky Means Business!" from EarthBound.
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The level, "Beat It & Eat It," was originally made with 16-bit style graphics before it made the switch to Atari graphics.
The level Boo! Haunted House is named after the Nerd's nickname for the Nightmare on Elm Street NES game.

In a post on the game's Steam Community page, BlackFlag, one of the developers, stated that the redesign was mutually agreed upon following discussions between Justin and the development staff.
BlackFlag's post:
The Cutting Room Floor article:
The Ikari Warriors episode of AVGN (warning – NSFW language):
The Cutting Room Floor article:
The Ikari Warriors episode of AVGN (warning – NSFW language):

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