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Phantasy Star Online 2
In addition to the cross promotional items and Sega-related items, Phantasy Star Online 2 also has a few other references, a few of which might be a result of Konami being a competitor to Sega.

The Duel Gaze is an obvious reference to a Duel Disk from Yu-Gi-Oh! Unlike other talisman weapons in the game, it is apparently strapped to the wielder's arm and is not held by a handle. It also has an unlockable ability called "Trap Activated"(Wana Hatsudo), which boosts the power of ranger traps, in spite of being an techer weapon (albeit one that is equipable by all classes). The Red Duel Gazer likewise has an unlockable ability called "Trap Master" (Takumi wana-shi).

A reference to Metal Gear Solid can be found in the talisman weapon "Metalisolidom", a weapon that is dropped by Transmizer, an enemy which bears an uncanny resemblance to Metal Gear REX. Other Lilipia mechs are also commonly referred to by western players as Metal Gears, though the fact they are on Lilipia might actually be a reference to Laputa from Myazaki's Castle in The Sky which, like Lilipia, is also based on Gulliver's Travels.

While there was an Attack On Titan collaboration, the fight against Magatsu plays homage to it without directly using any of the Attack on Titan material. Instead of 3D Maneuver Gear, the Phantasy Star Crew utilized the previously introduced jump pads, as well as a buff that boosted jump height partway through the first quest where you fight it. Additionally, the trailer/opening featuring Magatsu similarly appears to be a homage to Attack On Titan.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash-Up
Despite the character designs being from the 2007 Animated Film, the game uses the voice actors from the 2003 Series by 4Kids Entertainment.
Franchise: Pokémon
Attachment Before the release of Pokemon Gold & Silver there were rumors about Marill being a mysterious new evolution to Pikachu and Raichu called Pikablu, somehow achievable in Red and Blue. These rumors were nothing more than conjecture by fans due to the lack of information at the time. However, this name actually made it into one of the official Pokemon movie trading cards by Topps. This is despite Marill's actual Japanese name even being mentioned on the official Pokemon website. It was corrected in a later edition of the set, but for a time it only served as fuel for the rumors.
Pokémon X
subdirectory_arrow_right Pokémon Y (Game)
The names of Helioptile and Heliolisk seem to stem from Greek mythology. 'Helios' is an ancient Greek titan who is the personification of the sun. Helioptile's Pokemon X's Pokedex entry states that it basks in the sun to get energy, strengthening this connection.
WarioWare: Smooth Moves
The game contains unused graphics from Tennis for the NES. In the Japanese version of the game, the 'Super Nostalgic Entertainment System' is a Famicom (Japanese NES), and one of the cartridges that accompany it in the game is Tennis. Given this, it's possible that graphics from Tennis (and the rest of the games) were going to be used during post-game animations.
Two pieces of game footage that play during the end credits contain material that don't actually appear in the main game. First, the baby frogs don't burst when Frogger approaches them. Second, the barrels from the Sewer Zone don't explode when hopped on. It's possible that the footage was recorded before these features were removed later in development.
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
It is likely Nicholai Ginovaef's name was mistranslated based on pronunciation, as the only actual Slavic name the original transcript correlates to is Nikolai Zinoviev. Interestingly, in the Russian translation of the movie Resident Evil: Apocalypse, his last name was changed to Zhukov.
Franchise: Perfect Dark
In Perfect Dark, Jonathan is an agent for the Carrington Institute whose last name is revealed to be "Dark" during the "Duel" mission briefing on Special Agent difficulty. This possibly indicates that Jonathan is Joanna's brother, though the game contains no other references to his last name.

In Perfect Dark Zero, Jonathan is introduced at the end of mission 7 after saving Joanna from Chandra Sekhar. In this game, however, his last name is Steinberg.

Because Perfect Dark was made before Perfect Dark Zero, Jonathan may have been Joanna's brother at one point in the first game's development. The inclusion of his name as "Jonathan Dark" may also have been an oversight of the developers if this was later changed. It's likely that Jonathan's character was retconned and his last name to changed to Steinberg in Perfect Dark Zero to have no previous affiliation with Joanna.
Bad Milk
During one point of the game, some reversed speech can be heard. When played backwards it says:

"There's something I have to tell you: The Walrus is Paul."

This is a reference to The Beatles song "Glass Onion", which features the line:

"I told you about the Walrus and me man, you know we as close as can be man, well here's another clue for you all: The walrus was Paul."

Spoiler:Another possible connection between the song and the game is the fact that the line "The walrus was Paul" is seen by conspiracy theorists as a message that proves Paul McCartney actually died in 1966 and was secretly replaced by a look-alike (as walruses apparently symbolize death in some cultures). Because Bad Milk's story is an interpretation of reincarnation, this could be the reason the developer's chose to use that particular line.
Rayman Adventures
Attachment The level "Sea of Serendipity" more so resembles the level "20,000 Lums Under the Sea" from Rayman Legends than the level with the same name from Rayman Origins.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Attachment Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance has a final boss character by the name of Armstrong. During the 2016 U.S. presidential election cycle, several bloggers and gamers noticed a strong similarity between Armstrong and Republican Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump. Like Trump, Armstrong is a wealthy businessman who seeks to become the U.S. president. At one point in the game, Armstrong even says that he will 'make America great again', the exact slogan used by the Trump campaign.

Oddly enough, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance was released in 2013, a full two years before Donald Trump announced in candidacy in 2015.
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
The opening segment to the theme for "Stage 7 - Dr Tongue's Castle of Terror" sounds strikingly similar to the main title theme for the movie "The Shining".
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Franchise: Grand Theft Auto
Attachment Despite never revealing whether the GTA2 protagonist Claude Speed and GTAIII protagonist Claude are the same person, Rockstar has at multiple times hinted that they could be the same person, or at least that they are two incarnations of the same character. When asked about this, a Rockstar spokesperson replied "Probably. It seems very likely but it's also possible that there are just a lot of angry silent car thieves called Claude out there." Later on Rockstar used Claude's GTAIII artwork on their official Facebook page with the name "Claude Speed" written next to him.

If they indeed are the same person, it would mean GTA2 would take place in 1999 as hinted in the game and that either Claude doesn't die at the end of the GTA2 opening video, that the video is non-canon, or that Claude's rap sheet where his age is shown is fake.
Sonic Adventure 2
During the game's development, Tails wasn't initially planned to be a playable character and was only added for story purposes. Series creator Yuji Naka was asked several times if Tails was going to be playable, but gave different answers every time, ranging from "wait and see" to actually saying no. Eventually he was added because of an outcry amongst fans.

Many speculate that this is the reason Tails pilots a mech in-game. However, since he is fully controllable without it in the Chao Garden and through means of hacking (retaining his flying ability), it was most likely changed at a later time to prevent inconsistency with the play styles the game has to offer.
In the game's demo as well as full version prior to patch v1.001, an unused song by the name of "grandpasemi.ogg" could be found in the game's files. This was likely intended for a cut character that could have been related to Sans, Papyrus, and possibly even W.D. Gaster, due to the name Semi being based on Semi Serif fonts. It is a short, slowed-down, and re-instrumentated version of the song Metal Crusher, which is used as Mettaton's first battle theme.

This same song is now used as of patch v1.001 when you deny feeding Temmie any Tem Flakes. It plays while Temmie makes a unique facial expression, with a text graphic appearing beside her that says "can't blame a BARK for tryin'...", immediately followed by Temmie trying to attack you with her extendable arm.
Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
subdirectory_arrow_right Super Smash Bros. for Wii U (Game)
The image of Mario and Luigi carrying gifts for Bayonetta is a possible reference to Bayonetta 2, in which Enzo carries Bayonetta's gift boxes in the game's opening cutscene.
The opera scene with Mettaton is likely a parody of "Aria di Mezzo Carattere" from Final Fantasy VI.
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
One of Chun-Li's win quotes in the game is "Hey leave me alone. I'm a fighter, not a news reporter." This may refer to the Street Fighter live-action movie, where Chun-Li was portrayed as a news reporter.
Paper Mario
Under the Smash Attack mini-game room, there are 10 unused Luigi sprites. Since the mini-game has Mario searching boxes for 10 portraits of Princess Peach, it's possible that the game's goal was originally to find Luigi in the boxes 10 times, and the developers simply forgot to remove the Luigi sprites.
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