Trivia Browser



Donkey Kong 64
It was originally believed that the only reason the game needed the Expansion Pak to run was because it fixed a game-breaking bug that caused the 4 megabyte game cartridge to randomly crash. Rare couldn't find any other solution, so they bundled the Expansion Pak with the game, costing them a lot of money. They still don't know what caused the bug. According to software engineer Chris Marlow:

"There was a bug that caused the game to randomly crash that only occurred in the 4meg-only version ... and they couldn't find out what it was, so they had to shift with the memory card in it for free and it cost them a fortune."

However, developer Mark Stevenson claimed that while there was a game-breaking bug, it only affected one hardware revision of the Nintendo 64 that would be resolved on later models. He claims that the actual reason the Expansion Pak was required was because Rare's management instructed the game's developers to support it early in development to accommodate advanced graphical effects like dynamic lighting. Stevenson speculated that these two stories were likely conflated into one, creating the memory leak rumor that persisted for years.

Ultimately, Simon Craddick, one of the four engineers who worked on the Expansion Pak's implementation into Donkey Kong 64, claimed in a Facebook group that the only thing the Expansion Pak actually did was add vertex lighting to the levels.
person Charlie calendar_month May 30, 2013
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
You can play as sisters Stella and Loretta. This mode is a prequel to the main story line. You control the sisters by the directional pad and attack using the touch screen.
Viewtiful Joe 2
The demo for Viewtiful Joe 2 on the PS2 Holiday 2004 Demo Disc contained a glitch that would erase the player's memory card.
Platform: Dreamcast
The Dreamcast startup sound was composed by Japanese electronic/classical musician and former Yellow Magic Orchestra member Ryuichi Sakamoto. Sakamoto, by then internationally renowned for his film scores, was a personal friend of Kenji Eno, who came up with the console's name.
person KnowledgeBase calendar_month May 30, 2013
Ares Rising
subdirectory_arrow_right Blue Heat: The Case of the Cover Girl Murders (Game), Cyberdreams (Company)
Cyberdreams was originally going to publish Ares Rising and Blue Heat: The Case of the Cover Girl Murders. When the company folded in 1997, the games managed to be completed and published under different companies: Imagine Studios for Ares Rising and Orion Interactive for Blue Heat.
Batman: Arkham City
It is possible (with a glitch) to get over the walls of Arkham City. Doing so reveals a completely modeled Gotham, Arkham Asylum, and other areas not visible from inside the city's walls. As none of it is solid though, it must be explored on a single glide.
Luigi's Mansion
There's evidence suggesting that Luigi's Mansion was going to be an N64 game. On the game's disc, there's a sound effect for getting a star from Super Mario 64 and a cropped image of Daisy's artwork from Mario Tennis. Hideki Kono, the director for Luigi's Mansion, also stated that the game was originally going to be released on the Nintendo 64.
Franchise: Pokémon
Lance has two Pokemon with illegal moves. In Red & Blue, his Dragonite uses Barrier and his Aerodactyl uses Rock Slide in Gold, Silver, and Crystal. These Pokemon cannot learn these moves in-game without the use of a cheat device.
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
By defeating 1,000 Old Axe Armors in the regular story, you can unlock a special version of the game in which you will play as an Old Axe Armor. This mode is the only special mode which does not give you a partner.
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Spoiler:Eric Lecarde from Castlevania: Bloodlines appears in Portrait of Ruin as a ghost named Wind. He will give out quests for the player to complete.
New Super Luigi U
Attachment Mario's cap is seen on Peach's table in the intro.
Final Fantasy X
When you talk to the woman taking care of the Chocobos at the bottom of the ship during the sea voyage to Kilika, she will sing a part of the Chocobo Theme.
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
There is a special mode called Richter Mode. You play as both Richter Belmont and Maria Renard. Richter plays much as he did in Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, except that he lacks item crashes.
Attachment The Multi-Purpose Arcade Combat Simulator (M.A.C.S.) was a shooting simulator developed by Sculptured Software and was made for the U.S. army to train shooting skills to soldiers. The simulator uses a light gun replica of a Jäger AP 74 and is far more accurate than the Super Scope.
Tekken 3
Tekken 3 has a guest character in the form of Gon, a silent little dinosaur originating from a manga of the same name. His secondary costume, where he wears a turtle shell, references a time when he did so in his manga, as well as the fact that his mother was a turtle.
Epic Mickey
Attachment On Mickey Junk Mountain (Wasteland version of the Matterhorn) you can see a number of old NES and SNES Mickey Mouse game cartridges made by Capcom.
Sonic Generations
Attachment The Sonic Generations level list was conducted almost entirely on fan feedback, unknowingly to the fans themselves. Between the game's development cycle, SEGA (specifically the "Sonic" Facebook page) released a poll back in 2009, along with other unimportant ones, simply asking the reader to list their favorite levels from each Sonic game, leaving fans none the wiser. The most mentioned levels from both fans and some internal employees became the official level list for Generations.
Tekken 5
When booting up Tekken 5 on the PS2, the player can play through the first few minutes of the old Namco space shooter game Star Blade while the game loads. The full game can be unlocked in "Devil Within" mode by finding the hidden ship from the game.
Pokémon Yellow Version: Special Pikachu Edition
The rival will eventually evolve his Eevee (and thus affect which other Pokemon are in his party) depending on the player's actions early in the game. If the player beats the rival at both Oak's Pokémon Research Laboratory and the early, optional, battle at Route 22, Eevee evolves into Jolteon. If the player loses one of these two battles, or passes up the Route 22 battle, Eevee evolves into Flareon. If the player loses at Oak's Lab, and loses or passes up the Route 22 battle, Eevee evolves into Vaporeon.
Super Princess Peach
Attachment The Koopalings were originally going to be a part of the game, but were removed for unknown reasons. Sprites for of all seven of them have been found, with Roy's shell being miscolored as green instead of pink.
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