Attachment The Brass Snail is a reference to the Metal Slug series, a major source of inspiration for Mercenary Kings.
Upon rescuing Ironside, he will have a wooden sword for sale. Its description states "It's dangerous to go alone. You should take this.", which is a reference to the first Legend of Zelda game. There is also a buster sword hidden in the sword pile behind his tent, a reference to Final Fantasy VII.
Attachment In the game there is a magnum-class pistol called "Horse" which has the description "Perfect Pistol for a mercenary on a bizarre adventure."

This is a reference to the manga series JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, specifically about character Hol Horse's gun "The Emperor", which is a revolver combined with an automatic pistol. Not only are the design and names similar, but the description also hints to the JoJo series as well.

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