Initially, Ian Flynn claimed the events of the game were non-canon. However, he later went back on this, claiming that the game was indeed canon.
Initial statement:
Second statement:
Second statement:
Assets from the unfinished level, Genocide City (or Cyber City), from the game Sonic the Hedgehog 2, as well as some art supposedly from an unreleased game called "B-Bomb" are used in the stage "The machine".
The game files include an unused version of the theme for The Machine, during development it shared music with Showdown, and the unused music is from an unfinished prototype.
In the European release, the Options menu music was changed to be much faster when compared to its US & Japanese counterparts.
This is the only Sonic game to feature characters originally created for the 1993 animated series "Sonic the Hedgehog" (also known as Sonic SATAM), and by extension the Archie Comics series developed concurrently with the show.
In the initial US version of Sonic Spinball, the game uses the Sonic theme for the title screen, and a remix of the Game Over music for when the player gets a Game Over. They were replaced with new music in subsequent releases because Sega did not actually own the rights to those songs.
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