Shady Lewd Kart
Shady Lewd Kart
March 3, 2020
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subdirectory_arrow_right Wild Woody (Game)
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person chocolatejr9 calendar_month April 2, 2024
Wild Woody DLC Trailer and Relevant Comment:;lc=UgyOefebHRpsBZIVxgp4AaABAg.A1glMtsdAWZA1gm16bux7r

DLC Page:

Developer tweet denying April Fools association:
subdirectory_arrow_right Winged Cloud (Company)
The ShovelWare ShovelPit Battle Arena is a blatant jab at Winged Cloud, a company notorious for making quick and lazy shovelware titles that use fanservice to sell. The announcement of the arena even described the games littered about as "made by people with their heads in the clouds".

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