Letting the game cycle through all three demos on the start screen and then starting the game will start the first level of the game with no music. The music starts again when the music would normally change in the game, such as reaching the boss.
Although originally developed as a regular NES cartridge, Castlevania became Konami's first Famicom Disk System release when it was switched to the system Mid-development.

• Standing on the moving platform of the second stage.
• Crouching atop a certain staircase in the third stage.
• Walking far to the right on the third area of the third stage.
The names listed in the ending credits are parodies of famous people who have ties to classic horror or monster films. They are:
Terence Fisher (Trans Fishers)
Bram Stoker (Vran Stoker)
James Bernard (James Banana)
Christoper Lee (Christopher Bee)
Bela Lugosi (Belo Lugosi)
Boris Karloff (Boris Karloffice)
Lon Chaney (Love Chaney)
Lon Chaney, Jr. (Love Chaney, Jr.)
Barbara Shelley (Barber Sherry)
Max Schreck (Max Schrecks)
Glenn Strange (Green Stranger)
Oliver Reed (Cafebar Read)
Andre Morell (Andre Moral)
John Carradine (John Candy)
Also, Simon Belmont's name was accidentally left "Simon Belmondo", his Japanese name (シモン・ベルモンド Shimon Berumondo).
Terence Fisher (Trans Fishers)
Bram Stoker (Vran Stoker)
James Bernard (James Banana)
Christoper Lee (Christopher Bee)
Bela Lugosi (Belo Lugosi)
Boris Karloff (Boris Karloffice)
Lon Chaney (Love Chaney)
Lon Chaney, Jr. (Love Chaney, Jr.)
Barbara Shelley (Barber Sherry)
Max Schreck (Max Schrecks)
Glenn Strange (Green Stranger)
Oliver Reed (Cafebar Read)
Andre Morell (Andre Moral)
John Carradine (John Candy)
Also, Simon Belmont's name was accidentally left "Simon Belmondo", his Japanese name (シモン・ベルモンド Shimon Berumondo).
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