Game director Cory Barlog stated in an interview that naming the game "God of War" without a numeral or subtitle was deliberate because of the series' transition to Norse mythology. He additionally stated that although the game is the sequel to God of War III, "we are re-imagining everything".
Before deciding on Norse mythology, Egyptian mythology was considered, but was rejected because the team wanted the focus to stay on Kratos
During early development, there was talk about having a different protagonist for the game, but it was decided to keep Kratos. Referencing the Nintendo character Mario and the Mario games, Director Cory Barlog said that just like Mario, "Kratos is intrinsically tied" to the God of War series.
While working at LucasArts, Director Cory Barlog was allowed to read the script for the canceled Star Wars live-action TV series. He was blown away by how much the story made him care about the series ongoing villain, Palpatine, and he used this as inspiration for Kratos's character in the story.
Initially, Atreus was not going to be related to Kratos, and his parentage was going to be the driving mystery. Only after presenting early test footage was the idea of Kratos being his father introduced and implemented.
At E3 2016, footage was shown of Atreus and Kratos crossing a bridge where they were subsequently attacked by draugrs and a troll from under said bridge. This fight does not happen at the bridge in the final version of the game and instead happens a little later into the game, but there is dialogue from Atreus after crossing that bridge that hints at this early version of the fight.
The treasure map titled "The Boat Captain's Key" is a reference to a boat captain in the original God of War. Instead of saving him from getting eaten by the Hydra, Kratos stole a key from around his neck and let him die.
There is a special gauntlet in the game called "The Shattered Gauntlet of Ages" which can be equipped with 6 different stone runes. This is a reference to the Infinity Gauntlet, an item used by Thanos in the Marvel Comics universe which can be equipped with 6 Infinity Stones.

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