Mega Man Powered Up
Mega Man Powered Up
March 2, 2006
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Attachment In the Japanese version, Oil Man had black skin with peach-colored lips.
In the US/European versions, he was recolored blue with yellow lips.
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Attachment During development, it was once planned the original Mega Man game would have eight Robot Masters instead of the final's six. One of these two scrapped Robot Masters was Bond Man, a robot that would have used glue as his main weapon and when acquired by Mega Man, he could temporally hold enemies in place (a gimmick that would later be used by the final game's Ice Slasher).

The game's PSP remake, Mega Man Powered Up, features two additional Robot Masters: Time Man and Oil Man, whom have no connection to Bond Man. There did exist plans to add Bond Man into Powered Up, but this idea was recalled to keep Bond Man's cult status.

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