In an earlier version of Donkey Kong Country, Jungle Hijinxs was known as "Jungle Japes". The title Jungle Japes was reused as the first level of Donkey Kong 64.
This game was Donkey Kong's only playable appearance in a main-series Donkey Kong game until Donkey Kong 64, despite the game's sequel and triquel games bearing the Donkey Kong Country name.
Attachment Cranky Kong is the antagonist in the original Donkey Kong arcade and NES game. The Donkey Kong that you play as is the grandson of Cranky Kong.
Diddy Kong was originally going to be Donkey Kong Junior. Nintendo felt that Rare's redesign was too different from the appearance of Donkey Kong Jr. and mandated that Rare either use Donkey Kong Jr.'s original appearance, or change the character's name. Rare decided the second option would be best. The potential names were Diet DK, DK Lite, Titchy Kong and Dinky Kong. Dinky Kong was almost the final name, but was dropped due to legal considerations.
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