Amazing Island
Amazing Island
January 15, 2004
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Attachment On page 10 of the instruction manual is a segment demonstrating how to create a character. The screenshot accompanying this section shows a character being named "Homestar", referencing Homestar Runner, a popular online Flash series.
person Boyobmas calendar_month August 26, 2014
subdirectory_arrow_right Magic Pengel: The Quest for Color (Game)
"Teddy" is a 3D-modeling software that allows users to create 3D models by simply drawing freeform strokes, created by Takeo Igarashi. Along with being available on the Unity Asset Store and being part of the "Magical Sketch 3D" PC package, there are two video games that notably use the software: the GameCube game Amazing Island (as part of the game's monster creation system), and the PlayStation 2 game Magic Pengel: The Quest for Color (where it's used to create the game's Doodles).

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