A hidden message can be found in the game's ROM. The text references some of the developers: Grant Davies, Michael Smith, Peter Suwara, Paul Clarke and Ivan Kenny-Sumiga, respectively.
Grant was last seen fleeing Torus Games with a briefcase packed full of money under each arm. He remains wanted in 4 states.
Smitty made several unsucessful attempts to circumnavigate the world in a lunch box. He now lives in Peru.
Peter 'Stinky' Suwara devoted his life to the quest of spiritual enlightenment. He has lived in recluse since Spider-Man.
Paul submitted several game designs to Activision, all featuring a snowboard and a railgun. None were accepted.
Ivan was arrested after a hosting series of wild parties with crazy antics. He is currently serving 32 life sentences in a state penatentiary.
Smitty made several unsucessful attempts to circumnavigate the world in a lunch box. He now lives in Peru.
Peter 'Stinky' Suwara devoted his life to the quest of spiritual enlightenment. He has lived in recluse since Spider-Man.
Paul submitted several game designs to Activision, all featuring a snowboard and a railgun. None were accepted.
Ivan was arrested after a hosting series of wild parties with crazy antics. He is currently serving 32 life sentences in a state penatentiary.
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