Home Improvement: Power Tool Pursuit!
Home Improvement: Power Tool Pursuit!
November 1, 1994
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Attachment The manual for Home Improvement: Power Tool Pursuit! is a bait and switch, as it is only 6 pages long and has a giant sticker obscuring the detailed text on pages 4 and 5 reading "REAL MEN DON'T NEED INSTRUCTIONS", intended as a joke in theme with the original TV series. This manual has been posted around on the internet frequently over the years, but often without the context that the game did come with a poster, stylized as a blueprint, containing game hints. The last two sentences in the bottom-right corner of the manual do reference this poster:

"Although it's frowned upon by the most macho of the breed, some real men actually refer to blue prints for help. If you find yourself in need of - dare we say it? - instructions, you can refer to the enclosed poster blue prints for hints."
person Rocko & Heffer calendar_month January 28, 2024

Blue print poster (photos of front and back of poster included in the file contents of the above Internet Archive link):

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