Bad ass babes
Bad ass babes
September 16, 2016
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Attachment A crowdfunding campaign was launched on Kickstarter in 2015 to help fund the game's development with a goal of AU$15,000. However the campaign was canceled on April 14th by the project's creator having only raised $435.
Attachment The models who portrayed the babes in the game were uncredited. These are the following babes who's models have been confirmed:
*Lola, played by Peita Jade Breese
*Rebel, played by Victoria Ferrara
*Sparkles, played by Jakita Saint-Trelour
In 2020, the game was removed from the digital distribution service Steam due to featuring "photos or videos of human actors." with a public notice stating that it was removed by the publisher which was untrue. Despite Valve allowing adult video games onto the service as of June of 2018, this apparently doesn't mean the inclusion of actual footage of real-actors in adult-oriented titles, though no mention of this is stated anywhere in the Steamworks Documentation.

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