The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
December 12, 1998
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The Color Dungeon's music is a remix of the dungeon theme from the original The Legend of Zelda.
The Color Dungeon in the DX re-release is the only location in the game where green Rupees are found. These are worth five Rupees each, while blue Rupees, the only color found elsewhere (i.e. in all locations present in the original version of the game), are worth one. This is a reversal of the values of green and blue Rupees found in most other games in the series.
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In the German version of the game, entering Link's name as "MOYSE" will change the background music to a techno remix. The code refers to the famous German translator Claude Moyse. In the DX version of the game, the code will change the music to a remix of Totaka's Song.
Attachment One of the major additions to Link's Awakening DX is the photographer. On the screen where the photographer would be in the original version, there is simply an empty field with a single Moblin wandering around.
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Attachment In the middle of the game, you have a conversation with Marin. She says that her dream is to fly away from the island. At the end of the game (Spoiler:after you wake up the Wind Fish and the island disappears), if you haven't lost any lives, you can see either Marin's sprite with wings (original) or a portrait of Marin that dissolves to reveal a seagull behind it (DX Remake). This hints that Marin was able to escape the island and got her wish to fly away.
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Attachment Before destroying the support pillars and causing the fourth floor to collapse onto the third, the four rooms in the center of Eagle's Tower's third floor are entirely different, consisting primarily of an extremely large pit. Of these rooms, the upper two are inaccessible and never normally seen in-game. It appears the one on the left was meant to be used, but due to the way the crystal switches work, the blocks controlled by them will always deny you entry. And even if it was accessible, the pit is too open and can easily lead to getting trapped on the second floor. Interestingly, while the room is inaccessible, it was still updated after the first version.

To the right of that room is one that was definitely never intended to be used at all, consisting only of a "down" staircase leading up to the fourth floor, presumably for testing purposes. It's also the only way to get up there. (Leaving the 4F area in any direction will take you to blank "default" rooms.)

These rooms are also present in the DX version.
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