Trivia Browser



Super Smash Bros. Melee
Attachment In a March 2002 Nintendo Dream questionnaire with Mitsuaki Hagishima (the general manager of Nintendo's Planning Department), it was revealed that Banjo & Kazooie were planned to be included in Super Smash Bros. Melee as trophies. However, time constraints and the complexity of the approval process (as Rare, the developers of the Banjo-Kazooie IP, were situated in the UK) led to this being dropped, as well as other Rare associated characters (such as Joanna Dark from Perfect Dark) not appearing in the final game. This was brought up again in a September 2009 issue of Rare's Scribes, where it was mentioned that a lot of Rare character trophies were planned to be included in Melee, but it never happened.
person Dinoman96 calendar_month January 24, 2024
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl
Although Nickelodeon interfered signficiantly with the development of Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl, moveset and gameplay designer Thaddeus Crews has stated that he was surprised and grateful for the amount of creative control the game's teams were given:

"I'm just happy we had as much freedom as we did, because people can look at the game and very much see what feels like restrictions and make very, very valid criticisms based on that, which can be difficult from a developer view to not comment on, but it is at the same time, not entirely, wholly restrictive, the fact that movesets were able to be constructed by development team, and still would have to be approved through due process, but at its origin, were on our end, and then implemented by us - that is rewarding, that is more rewarding overall to work with these than it feels like pressure."
Shrek: Ogres and Dronkeys
Shrek: Ogres and Dronkeys was originally going to feature the offspring of Gingy and Puss in Boots as new characters, but these were rejected by DreamWorks, likely for not existing within the Shrek movies.
Darkened Skye
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Darkened Skye
subdirectory_arrow_right M&M's (Franchise)
Darkened Skye came about as a result of Simon & Schuster Interactive attempting to acquire the M&M's license for use in gaming, due to the popularity of the Spokescandy mascots. Skittles was simply a back-up option in case the M&M's deal fell through, but both licenses were acquired. While Dale DeSharone, one of the game's executive producers, believed it should have been aimed at a younger child audience, Mars wanted to attract an audience of people in their 20s, because that demographic did not buy Skittles as much as people in their 30s and older, though they were also adamant that the game couldn't be violent. The game's aesthetic was inspired by a series of late-1990s high fantasy Skittles commercials.
Darkened Skye
When a Skittles game was first proposed to eventual Darkened Skye executive producer Elizabeth Braswell by her boss, she responded "well, you have two choices: you can fire me now, and make the next year and a half much easier on me, or you can, like, not make me do this." The following night, she went to a bar and got drunk over the Skittles project, which she deemed "the end of [her] career". While intoxicated, she conceived the idea of using Skittles as a vehicle to do a self-aware high fantasy adventure game she had always wanted to do, but never got the chance.
subdirectory_arrow_right Next Level Games (Company)
In 2011, Next Level Games began work on a game called "Clockwerk", that never made it to the prototype stage before its cancellation. The game was about a pair of elderly Hausmeisters named Otto and Herman, who take care of "The World Clock", a magical clock tower that governs the flow of time throughout the universe. On the day before their retirement, however, a group of gremlins attack and dismantle the clock tower's innards, forcing the grumpy pair to defeat the invaders and fix the inner workings before they can finally retire. Supposedly, it was pitched to multiple companies (including Sega and Nintendo), but was ultimately cancelled when the company they had partnered with felt that the gameplay was too similar to another game they were publishing.
Platform: Nintendo Switch
subdirectory_arrow_right Nintendo (Company)
In 2020, hackers Gary Bowser and Max "MAXiMiLiEN" Louarn were arrested and extradited to the United States for money laundering and selling products meant to crack the Nintendo Switch's copy protection to run pirated copies of games. The two were members of Team Xecuter, a hacking group which specialized in similar measures for a large number of Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft consoles. In 2021, Bowser pled guilty on conspiracy and trafficking charges and was sentenced to 40 months in prison; Nintendo later filed a separate civil suit against him, which together with the prison sentence left him $14.5 million in debt. The company's legal department claimed during the court case that the unusually severe punishments were intended to send a chilling effect through the piracy world, intimidating would-be hackers by using Bowser's punishment as an example.

Following the case, multiple news outlets noted the irony of Gary Bowser's last name, which is shared with Nintendo of America president Doug Bowser and Mario series antagonist Bowser.
person ProtoSnake calendar_month February 2, 2024
subdirectory_arrow_right Five Nights at Freddy's (Franchise)
"Five Nights at Freddy's: Survival Crew" is an upcoming Roblox game made in direct collaboration with Scott Cawthon, himself a fan of Roblox and playing it regularly with his children. However, due to miscommunication between Scott and the game's developer, Metaverse Team Frights, regarding one of the game's skins, a beta version of the game was accidentally released on December 20, 2023. The game was set to private two hours afterwards.
MyPopgoes was originally not considered part of the Fazbear Fanverse Initiative, as creator Kane Carter's initial contract regarding the Popgoes games only included Popgoes Evergreen and Popgoes Arcade. However, on February 1, 2024, he revealed that he and Scott Cawthon had worked on an amendment to said contract, which had recently been signed and executed. This meant that the game could receive an official Steam page, and that development of the game's premium version could continue until completion.
Yo! Noid 2
One of the developers of Yo! Noid 2 also worked on STRAFE, a game featuring Totino's product placement. Through these food industry connections, said developer managed to contact Domino's Pizza and almost pitched the idea of having some kind of official collaboration. The developers ultimately did not go forward with, as the game's developers didn't feel they had enough energy to go through the hassle of making a pitch document. Despite the pitch not being made, the developers did compile a video of streamers talking about how the game made them hungry for Domino's for the purpose of the pitch.
Tiny Toon Adventures: Plucky Duck in Hollywood Hijinks
The cancelled Atari Jaguar game Tiny Toon Adventures: Plucky Duck in Hollywood Hijinks ran into trouble with its art direction. It originally used photorealistic backgrounds, uncharacteristic of the cartoon and described by a developer as "build and[sic] engine and insert your favorite licensed character here." Despite a complete reset being done to the game's art direction following this iteration, the art did not live up to Warner Bros.' standards for how the Tiny Toon characters and world should look, lacking color and brightness. After Warner Bros. provided model sheets with specific instructions for drawing the characters, the development team instead switched to taking photos of the TV show and converting those into sprites, which caused issues as the sprites would come out corrupted. Atari ultimately concluded that no artist at Telegames was able to create proper Tiny Toons art, requiring art duties to be swapped out to Digital Delirium, which also failed to deliver Warner Brothers-quality animation, which caused the game's development to start implementing pencil tests into their animation process, which slowed down the game's development significantly. Eventually, all of the art for the first 2 worlds was finished, however Telegames stated they did not need the art at that point, with the art (and its respective levels) not being implemented over a year later. Telegames laid out an offer where they would only release a milestone document if a fully laid-out stage map could be provided, something the developer who released this story believed was a stalling tactic, as they already had the art and mockup stage layouts. Shortly after this, the artist assigned to complete the level layouts was laid off, requiring Digital Delirium to be brought in-house, and some music was made for the game that was completely unfit for the source material.
Star Fox 64
Attachment Originally, the development team behind Star Fox 64 themselves actually tried to provide the voice lines for the characters:

—Back in the day, a lot of Nintendo’s games used voices provided by the staff.

Imamura: We dubbed Star Fox 64 ourselves at first, too. We were all like, wow, this is gonna be so cool! But when we showed it to people outside the team, they responded with “laaaame” (laughs). We were told “this is unforgivably bad” (laughs), and so we switched to professional voice actors.

—Ahahaha! But, now I want to hear it for myself… (laughs)

Imamura: Rare did the same thing with their game, except they were really good at it (laughs)

The culture around voice acting isn’t cemented in the US to the extent that it is in Japan; in the US, voice acting is performed by regular actors, whereas in Japan, voice actors have a very specific and distinctive style of delivery, and it could be that it’s left such an impression on us that we’re not as capable of tolerating amateurish voice acting.

What’s funny is that some of the sales people who didn’t like our N64 dub told us that the Super Famicom “buh-buh-buh-buh” voices were cooler, so as a trial, we looked backwards and imported those SFC-style “buh-buh-buh”s, but the reaction was, “nah, that sucks” (laughs). We really did experiment with the animal language (laughs).

As mentioned by Takaya Imamura above, this was met with negative reception internally and thus they switched over to using professional voice actors. What remains of this lost developer dub was recently discovered within the Nintendo gigaleak from 2020.

The official Japanese Star Fox 64 guidebook reveals that it was programmer Nobuhiro Sumiyoshi who provided the original voice for Leon Powalski, who is voiced by Shinobu Satouchi (who also voices Fox McCloud) in the final Japanese version of Star Fox 64.
person Dinoman96 calendar_month February 12, 2024
Star Fox 64 rejected developer dub discovery Reddit thread:

Rejected developer dub:

2002 Nintendo Dream interview:

User's English translation of official Japanese Star Fox 64 guidebook:
WWE 2K24
Attachment In early February 2024, one month prior to the game's release, multi-time WWE World Champion Brock Lesnar was removed from the cover of the "Forty Years of WrestleMania" showcase edition of the game in response to a sexual assault and sex trafficking lawsuit against Vince McMahon and WWE. Although Lesnar's name was not directly mentioned in the lawsuit, his reported connection to the case led to his removal as part of a wider effort by the WWE to disassociate from him. The cover was updated to feature a larger version of John Cena, where Lesnar used to be.

Content creators who got early access to the game on February 23 confirmed that both Lesnar and McMahon were no longer playable characters in WWE 2K24. While the extent of McMahon's removal is unknown, Brock Lesnar’s data remains locked away in the game due to his matches with The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 30 and Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania 31 being featured in the "Showcase of the Immortals" Showcase mode, and it being too far into development to remove them.
person ProtoSnake calendar_month February 20, 2024
Brock Lesnar Removed From WWE 2K24 Special Edition Cover:

Brock Lesnar's replacement on WWE 2K24 cover revealed:

[Below source and additional info provided by SOGESNAKE.]

WWE 2K24 Final Roster Confirms Removal of Brock Lesnar and Vince McMahon:
During 2004, Next Level Games was working on a game based on the WWE franchise called "WWE Titans: Parts Unknown". Planned to release on the Playstation 2 and Xbox as a 1-vs-1 fighter, the game was planned to have a radically different direction from past WWE titles, featuring a new art style that focused on exaggerated character designs and cinematic locales. Settings for the game included urban environments (i.e. rooftops in a city) and an old castle located in the snowy wilderness. Additionally, one stage concept was labelled "Cena Stage", likely in reference to wrestler John Cena. This suggests that some individual wrestlers would have received arena dedicated to them.

While the game would have featured several established wrestlers, Next Level also considered adding original cast members made specifically for the game. One piece of artwork for the game shows that there were plans for anthropomorphic characters (such as crocodiles and bears) and sorcerers. Not much is known about the gameplay, though art for the game suggests that destructible environments were intended to be a key focus. For unknown reasons, the pitch was rejected by the game's publisher, THQ.
Company: Nintendo
subdirectory_arrow_right Monolith Soft (Company), Namco (Company)
Monolith Soft was originally owned by Namco, but their relationship took a negative turn after Masaya Nakamura stepped down as president of Namco in 2002, three years prior to the company's merger with Bandai. As the company underwent changes, Monolith Soft felt that they were being given less creative freedom due to the newly-created Bandai Namco being less willing to take creative risks. They received consultation from Nintendo executive director Shinji Hatano, who advised them to continue making innovative projects. This inspired Monolith Soft to break away from Bandai Namco in favor of becoming a Nintendo subsidiary: Monolith Soft was allowed creative freedom in exchange for developing software exclusively for Nintendo platforms.

Initially, Nintendo had acquired an 80% share of the company, while Bandai Namco retained 16% of the company and remained as a development partner in part to strengthen their relationship with Nintendo. The remaining 4% was divided between the company's founders: Tetsuya Takahashi, Hirohide Sugiura, and Yasuyuki Honne. However, by April 2011, Nintendo had acquired the remaining 400 shares from Bandai Namco, granting them 96% ownership of Monolith Soft. The acquisition as a whole was notable for contrasting Nintendo's previous approach of not taking part in mergers and acquisitions of other companies. In a statement on the matter, former Nintendo president Satoru Iwata stated:

"When we say we do not do M&A, there are always exceptions, so let me explain about it. We have never said that we will never do M&A in any situation. Actually, we are not against M&A if Nintendo can absorb the real value of the company. However, in most cases, the value of software developing companies is attached to its people, not the company, which is merely a vessel for its people. So, when we purchase a company, we can purchase the vessel, but we cannot necessarily purchase the contents. Even if we should compete with others to purchase a software company, although we might be able to increase the sheer number of our developers and to gain a short-term result, we do not think it will do good for us in the long run. We have been repeatedly saying that we will not do that kind of M&A.
In the case of Monolith Software, Mr. Sugiura, the president, and Nintendo have a long-term relationship. How Mr. Sugiura thinks is close to how Nintendo thinks. The software Mr. Sugiura would like to create is in line with what Nintendo would like to have for its platform. So, we thought that Nintendo should support this idea, and we decided to take action.
If certain conditions are met, we may do the same thing in the future (M&A). However, we will be very careful and selective, so that we will only partner with people with whom Nintendo can create a long-term working relationship."
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month February 29, 2024
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Sephiroth's inclusion as a DLC fighter was apparently so top secret that even certain members of Square Enix had not known that the villain was going to be included in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate until the corresponding show-stealing announcement at The Game Awards 2020 was made. Even Square Enix employee and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth director Naoki Hamaguchi was quite shocked and stated:

"[...] it was actually extremely confidential that he was even going to be in it, [...] So, none of the dev team knew, including myself. So it was more like when the whole world knew it, and that's when we knew it like, 'Oh, I had no idea!'"
Franchise: Ace Attorney
From 2009 to 2013, Capcom Japan collaborated with the all-female musical theater company Takarazuka Revue to produce three musicals based on the Ace Attorney series, the first time Takarazuka had ever collaborated with a game company. The first production, "Gyakuten Saiban: The Truth Reborn", sold out all tickets on its first day, and with the second musical ("Gyakuten Saiban 2: The Truth Reborn, Again...") drew a combined total attendance of over 50,000 people. According to series creator Shu Takumi, the musical's director Suzuki Kei cleared the first four Ace Attorney games seven times each before sitting down to write the script. Additionally, while he was not involved in the first musical's production, Takumi did contribute feedback midway through the second musical's production. The musicals were successful enough that it prompted the Revue to partner with Capcom again to produce a musical based on the Sengoku Basara series, and once more to produce "Dai Gyakuten Saiban: New Truth Reborn", a musical based on the The Great Ace Attorney spinoff games.
person chocolatejr9 calendar_month March 2, 2024
All Elite Wrestling: Fight Forever
In an interview with Yuke's senior vice president and producer Hiromi Furuta published in VGC (Video Games Chronicle) on November 24th, 2020, she expressed that despite the split from their long-time licensing partner WWE, there was no rivalry between the two companies and that she still loved and respected them. She stated that Yuke's aims to create high-quality pro-wrestling games that resonate with the community, and that their new partnership with AEW was simply "creating a new product" with them. In making All Elite Wrestling: Fight Forever, she also revealed that a key source of inspiration came from WWF No Mercy's game system, which is beloved by fans of pro-wrestling games.
person ProtoSnake calendar_month March 3, 2024
WWF No Mercy Cited As Key Inspiration For Upcoming AEW PS4, PS5 Title By Producer:

Former WWE 2K dev Yuke’s insists there’s no rivalry now it’s defected to AEW:
In the v. patch released at the end of February 2024, there were alterations made that were not listed in the patch notes, primarily involving censoring profanities and slurs. These changes apply even in single-player mode, where while players can still name things whatever they want, offensive words and names are replaced with asterisks. These changes were most likely made due to Palworld developer Pocket Pair's partnership with Microsoft, who agreed earlier that month to help develop the Xbox releases of the game and possibly the Steam version as well. Unlike Steam however, Xbox has very strict guidelines on what can and can't be said like other console platforms, suggesting that Pocket Pair was catering to Microsoft with this censorship, although neither company officially commented on these changes. While some players understand the need for such measures, others criticized the restrictions and advocated for optional toggles to allow individual customization.
person ProtoSnake calendar_month March 4, 2024
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