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One of Canderous Ordo's stories he tells the player is about his encounter with a strange meteorite-like object in the Crispin system. He describes the object as about a dozen meters in length, having a rocky growth pitted by scores of micrometeorite scars, and featuring thermal projectiles. The ship then fled outside of the known galaxy and into the unknown void.

The object which Canderous describes seems to be a Yuuzhan Vong ship, possibly a Yorik-et, aka a Coralskipper. The Yuuzhan Vong was a mysterious alien species which came from outside the known galaxy in Star Wars lore. They would later play a major threat in Star Wars lore, 25 years after the events of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope in the original "Legends" continuity, approximately 3,000 years after the events of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

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