Attachment Canadian cheese brand, Cheese Heads, once bundled free copies of the PC version of the game with each pack of cheese sticks.
Attachment Before the fight against the DomZ robot in the factory, the player finds Pey'j being transferred to the slaughterhouse by the Alpha Sections. On his right arm, it's possible to spot a tattoo that resembles The Comedian's "Have a nice day" badge from Watchmen.
Attachment In the Laboratory within Nutripils Factory, a bug worth 800 units can be photographed under the scientific name "Aedes raymanis". This bug is a direct homage to the species of Mosquitoes featured in Rayman, another Ubisoft series that director Michel Ancel created.
Attachment In Jade's bedroom, a nearby radio presents announcements including one that promotes a Hillyan News website. To help promote the game around its release in 2003, Ubisoft launched an official Hillyan News website full of short articles and blurbs pertaining to the planet of Hillys and the in-game universe, presumably published weekly between October 2 and December 1, 2003. The website is no longer hosted by Ubisoft, but can be found on the Internet Archive.

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