May 14, 1989
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In a 2009 interview with IGN conducted to celebrate the franchise's 25th anniversary, series creator Alexey Pajitnov named the Game Boy version of Tetris as his favorite rendition, describing it as the closest approximation of what he first had in mind for the game.
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak was an avid Tetris player since the Game Boy's release. He got so good that he sent his scores to Nintendo Power multiple times, and always got the highest score. Eventually, Nintendo Power stopped publishing his name in the magazine. He then sent his name backwards (Evets Kainzow) in, which was then accepted and published.
The original Japanese version 1.0 cartridge didn't have "Korobeiniki" as the "A-Type" music. It instead had another song called "Minuet".
Attachment A still-working Game Boy that survived a bombing in the Gulf War is being shown to this day continuously playing the intro screen to Tetris in the Nintendo NYC store in New York City.
Attachment The Type A music used in the Game Boy version of Tetris is the well-known Russian 19th Century folk song, Korobeiniki. It originally told the story of a meeting between a peddler and a girl, who haggled over goods as a metaphor for courtship. The fact that this song was included is consistent with Tetris' Russian origins.
Tetris was the first video game to be played in space. The game (and the Game Boy it was played on) spent 196 days on board the Mir Space Station in 1993, and orbited the earth more than 3,000 times. The game and system were auctioned off in 1996 for $1,220.

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