There are origami unicorns placed throughout the levels. These unicorns are a reference to the film "Blade Runner", directed by the original Alien movie director, Ridley Scott.
William Hope, who played Lt. Gorman in the Aliens film, voices Marshal Waits in the campaign. The character is also modeled after his physical appearance.
At one point in development, it was planned for the Working Joe enemy to quote lines from William Shakespeare in a malevolent manner. However, it was ultimately decided it didn't fit with the tone of the game and the few recorded lines were cut from the game.
There are a few references to the original movie.
1. Scattered around the Torrens and Sevastopol station are drinking birds. The first one found is in the hypersleep chamber.
2. During Mission 2 in the baggage claim area, players can hear the faint sound of meowing before it abruptly stops as they approach the primary airlock. This is a possible reference to the cat Jonesy from the first movie.
3. Another reference is found when players discover the deceased Alistair Smythe who has a rolled-up magazine shoved down his throat. Spoiler:This is how Ash tried to kill Ellen Ripley.

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